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Home & Garden > A Woman of Many Talents

A Woman of Many Talents

My latest achievements have not been in the realm of knitting. I purchased about 7 yards of blackout curtain liner fabric from a local furniture store as my old curtain liners were so worn they were embarrassingly useless. It took me all morning, yesterday, to cut up the fabric into six panels. I then hemmed one pair on both sides and the bottoms.

First panel ready to be hung.

The old liners were attached to the curtain hooks by a series of braided loops across the top but the store didn't have the braided loops and I learnt a long time ago not to bother ordering anything from them as you will never get your order.

So, after teaching myself to crochet, I crocheted my own loops and stitched them onto the liner at the same time as I hemmed the top. It was a little awkward as I couldn't use pins in this fabric. The pin holes would have been permanent so, as necessity is the mother of invention, I used Scotch tape instead. It worked like a charm and was easily removed after everything had been sewn down. I have completed two liner panels for the guest room and will eventually finish the four remaining for my craft room and the master bedroom.

I surprised myself with a furniture repair job. We inherited a beautiful red mahogany bookcase from my M-I-L but the edges had been badly damaged.

I bought some wood molding, DH cut it to fit (I don't think he trusts me with his sharp tools.), and I stained it with a red mahogany stain. I won't be nailing it on as I'm likely to cause more damage, wielding a hammer, to the bookcase not to mention my fingers. I still need to get some wood glue to hold the molding in place.

Once the shelves are in place and loaded with books the interior damage won't be visible. Pardon me while I polish my fingernails on my shirt.

Tomorrow is cleaning day. I must have everything ship shape and spic and span before our guest arrives on Saturday. DH will be home to help and he does a much better job than I do. Sometimes it's good to be married to an obsessive perfectionist.

posted on Nov 11, 2010 12:31 AM ()


Nice work!
comment by crazylife on Nov 15, 2010 8:53 PM ()
P.S. Does Angel play with all those balls? They must really move fast on your wood floors.
comment by troutbend on Nov 13, 2010 10:43 AM ()
I'm impressed that you crocheted all those loops, and are making all those shades. My mother made window drapes and I know a lot about it from watching her, but reluctantly undertake it only out of sheer necessity.
comment by troutbend on Nov 13, 2010 10:40 AM ()
The molding on the bookcase is lovely, ditto the pretty sheets.
comment by elderjane on Nov 12, 2010 6:26 AM ()
Thank you.
reply by nittineedles on Nov 12, 2010 1:33 PM ()
Marg, Ed has European sensibilities and I have spent our time together retraining him. It's slow going.
comment by tealstar on Nov 11, 2010 8:20 PM ()
Still a busy woman, and so adaptable, your bookcase will look great. Save some energy for when your guest arrives, and yes you do have a willing helper with DH.
comment by maryc on Nov 11, 2010 1:40 PM ()
We got a lot done. I consider the main floor to be Spring Cleaned.
reply by nittineedles on Nov 12, 2010 1:32 PM ()
I do envy your capabilities Marg. You are so talented. I have often told myself to try crocheting (it seems to 'grow' so quickly - maybe that is my trouble, I can be 'impatient'), I'd like to give it a go though. Laura (troutbend) gave me an idea recently, it concerned 'cross-stitch' - that, I am going to do.
I take my hat off to you
comment by augusta on Nov 11, 2010 12:10 PM ()
I loved doing cross stitch until my vision deteriorated.
reply by nittineedles on Nov 12, 2010 1:31 PM ()
I am so untalented in the arts and crafts way that I can only view your accomplishments with awe. I have learned a couple of useful stitches from an old friend years ago and I use them to repair split seams when I have to. Mostly I avoid all needlework. Ed gets annoyed and shames me by threatening to take the shirt that needs a button to the tailor lady so then I do it. (Curses.)
comment by tealstar on Nov 11, 2010 7:06 AM ()
When I married I assumed that all men were born with the skills and knowledge to rewire a house and build furniture, just like my dad. I had to pick up the slack when I discovered DH could barely change a light bulb. Maybe Ed thinks all women were born to sew?
reply by nittineedles on Nov 11, 2010 10:03 AM ()

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