I'm wearing my thumb brace again. The fleshy part below that digit is sore and any type of gripping motion is excruciatingly painful. I don't know what caused it this time; maybe cutting up a watermelon? or lifting out a heavy window to clean it? I do know it wasn't knitting. I just haven't been doing enough of that. I'm not liking the Chrysanthemmumm Shawl as much as I thought I would so I haven't been working on it as much as I normally would and I don't want to work on anything else until this shawl is finished. Oh well, it gives me a good excuse to transfer more yarn from the basement upstairs to my craft room. I was hoping I could use it to get DH to cook supper tonight but he has no sympathy for me. At lunch today I said, "Remember how my thumb was aching yesterday?" and just before he shovelled another spoonful of stew into his mouth he ended the conversation with, "No."