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Vacation Nights Continued
Vacation Nights Continued
I forgot to mention a few of the more memorable places we stayed.
The type of people who open a B&B are generally very friendly and people oriented.....however, some carry it a bit too far. The couple who gave us muffins and oatcakes to take with us and hugs when we left were borderline. They treated us like long lost family and I was mildly uncomfortable with them.
There were several couples who would not leave us alone. They seemed to think we were long lost friends and they needed to catch us up on all their news, from home renovations to their children's lives. There was even a tag team at one place. The overly helpful husband chatted non stop and tried to give us brochures of and maps to places we didn't want to go. When he was done his poor, suffering wife would come in and unload the weight of the world on us, all while we were trying to eat breakfast. Then there was the couple who had us hiding in our room. DH, with his cruel sense of humour kept telling me to go downstairs and knit as I sat uncomfortably on the bed. I told him if I went downstairs I wouldn't be allowed to knit by the we-can-talk-'till-we're-blue-in-the-face-and-then-some couple.
On the other side of the coin there was the lady who spoke to us only when it was absolutely necessary and ignored us the rest of the time.
We had one lucky escape. DH had left finding our night's accommodation a bit too late and every place we tried was already full. We arrived in a small seaside village and ended up at a waterfront campground where we asked if there were any B&Bs in the area. We were directed back up the hill to an old, ramshackle house. There was no B&B sign out front but we were getting desperate and as we drove in a lady came scurrying out the front door to greet us. She asked if we were The Smiths. We told her no but we did need a place to stay and did she have room. She said she was expecting the Smiths but she had another room she could let us have. We thanked her and she led us into her house and up the narrow, rickety, wooden stairs to the attic. She opened the door to the room and the first thing I saw was the peeling wallpaper. Then my eyes travelled to the threadbare mats and the vintage, lumpy mattress on the unmade bed. The lady wanted a princely sum and she wanted it in cash. She stepped out of the room for a moment and DH and I pretended to be going through our wallets. I told DH I'd rather spend the night in the trunk of our rental car than in this house and he agreed. We told her we didn't have enough cash and thanked her for her time. As we hotfooted it back to the car she was explaining where we could find a bank machine but I'm sure she realized we would not be back. My thoughts and prayers went out the The Smiths who obviously booked their accomodation sight unseen.
posted on Sept 1, 2011 11:34 AM ()
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