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Travel > Vacation Nights and Food

Vacation Nights and Food

We stayed at Bed and Breakfasts every night except for one.
When we checked into the place we thought it was a B&B but it turned out to be just an inn in an old house. We had to buy our own breakfast in the morning but not at the inn's restaurant. We couldn't bring ourselves to pay their outrageous prices. Especially since they advertised that the inn was peppered with antiques and every "antique" I examined had been made in China and/or purchased at Walmart. The bed was about 3 feet off the floor and the mattress had a hump in the middle so you tended to roll towards the edge of the bed. I was terrified I would roll right out of bed and break something (my bones, not the "antiques"). That evening a woman I had thought to be a cleaner started ragging on the fellow I had thought to be the manager. I couldn't hear his replies however, she came through loud and clear with her eastern European accent, "Barry! Barry! BARRY! What are you doing? What are you doing now? Did you do the bills? Why not? Why don't you do the bills? You think we don't need to get paid? Do the f****** bills Barry. You don't want to do the bills? OK. I'll do the f****** bills. How about that? I'll do the f****** bills......" She was still ranting when I picked up my knitting and left the parlour to go upstairs to the peace and quiet of my room. Speaking of stairs; there were not one, not two but three flights and not little half flights. We were on the third floor. If I could have found the dumbwaiter I would have used it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Some of the B&Bs were heritige homes and some were just a regular house where the owners slept in the basement and paying guests slept in the bedrooms.

The Carriage House Inn, Fredericton, New Brunswick

Our room at The Carriage House Inn

Blair House B&B, St Stephen, New Brunswick

I just had to take a photo of this lady's antique spinning wheel.
Coach House B&B, Port Greville, Nova Scotia

Murphy's B&B, Tignish, PEI

Our room.

We didn't stay here. I just loved the house.

Breakfasts were eaten in ballrooms and homey kitchens. I took no photos of any food but I can tell you exactly what was served at each and every B&B; eggs and toast, eggs and muffins, eggs with salsa poured all over them, eggs, Eggs and more bloody EGGS! There was this one place we stayed at for two nights and the second morning we got pancakes. We got down on the floor and kissed that dear lady's feet. Our second night back home I made chicken and when DH asked what was for dinner I told him an egg, hatched and all grown up. He was not amused.

Lunches consisted of a dry bun with a thin slice of deli meat inside and a piece of fresh fruit with milk for DH and water for me. DH was most upset that he couldn't buy a little 1/2 pint carton of milk anywhere in the Maritimes. He kept asking me if he could share his 1 pint bottle of (ug) milk with me.

Dinners were delicious (except for one that was so bad I couldn't eat the overcooked peas and carrots nor the undercooked potato). The reason the dinners were so delicious was because they were loaded with salt and fat. Upon returning home, I was surprised to find I had only gained five pounds. I guess I did more walking than I thought. I have since lost that five pounds. Coming down with the flu a day and a half after arriving home helped. How do I know it was the flu and not jet lag? DH came down with it yesterday.

posted on Aug 31, 2011 8:20 PM ()


Beautiful places. Sorry, though, about the meals. Toured the maritimes in the 60s with my late husband. We went around the Cape Breton trail in Nova Scotia. It was a "gentle" trip -- nothing exciting, but it suited us because we loved the look of it. Jay had with him a "tipple", a banjo like instrument with double strings. It was light and he'd bought it just for the trip and taught himself how to deal with this different type of instrument while I drove. And we sang old songs. (He played guitar and banjo.) He was a big hit wherever we stopped because, in those days, any kind of live performer was a novelty. Also, I played the piano in one place and got a lot of appreciation for it. Good memories.
comment by tealstar on Jan 10, 2012 6:07 AM ()
Those are beautiful. I love staying in B&B's and remember one called
Ms. Violet's fondly in England. Tell me someone, why do the English serve
toast in toast racks that invariably insure cold toast ?
comment by elderjane on Sept 2, 2011 6:45 AM ()
At least it gave you a story to blog about.
comment by crazylife on Sept 1, 2011 7:45 AM ()
It's fascinating to see all those beautiful houses. We haven't stayed in very many B&Bs, but over the years I've seen all these recipe books where B&B owners bragged about their sausage strata and stuffed french toast, so I thought they all got up early to make muffins and coffeecakes in addition to the strata and other yummies, each one trying to outdo the others in the 'most memorable breakfast' category.
comment by kitchentales on Sept 1, 2011 7:06 AM ()
I love bed and breakfasts, but the quality can be all over the place. Best ones I found were based on referrals from friends. I'd love to visit the Canadian maritime provinces and Nova Scotia. One day....
comment by marta on Sept 1, 2011 5:50 AM ()
Finding a good B&B is a hit and miss when your traveling, it was interesting seeing the one's you stayed in,and the Blair House in N.B looks quite elegant, but the main thing is a comfy bed and a quiet location. We've certainly had some dillies in our travels.
comment by maryc on Aug 31, 2011 8:43 PM ()
"a comfy bed and a quiet location" and NO eggs for breakfast.
reply by nittineedles on Aug 31, 2011 8:55 PM ()

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