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Home & Garden > Tulip Garden

Tulip Garden

No, it's not a new design. It really is a tulip garden. DH planted it last fall as we had to remove all the vegetation, mostly weeds, when we had the new sidewalk and steps put in.


We recycled a number of cinder blocks against the fence on the other side of the driveway. There are more running down the driveway with Hyacinths in them.

That reminds me. We really must get one of those hose hanger thingies.

That knitting forum:
Admin on that forum is a raging control freak. He has imposed so many little rules and regulations it's ridiculous. This morning I received two e-mails from him.
#1 "I'm modifying the rules for the Pictures section. (The rules will be updated shortly.)
We'll no longer be allowing designers to post in Pictures showing the "item", since there is no way for me to know if the designer is really just showing an item or promoting a pattern. And I don't see another solution.
In the future, please post in *DPS when you have a pattern ready. No more announcements or future pattern pictures in the Pictures section."

I say, what does it matter where you see the pictures. What difference does it make if I show my new pattern's prototype in the Pictures section or the *Designers Pattern Shop section or both, for that matter.

#2 "This is an automated notice.
Your topic "3 More Turkish Vests" was deleted."

He deleted the entire thread! I had thousands of views and tons of comments. Some of them were very helpful to me as a designer. All you get in the Designer Pattern Shop is comments like, "Cute." and "Very nice." They figure the pattern is a done deal by then so you don't see any helpful comments or critiquing. Rumour has it Admin started the forum for his knitting girlfriend. I do hope she has escaped his controlling clutches.

posted on May 2, 2014 11:11 AM ()


comment by crazylife on May 9, 2014 8:38 AM ()
So love tulips! Can you find another knitting forum?
comment by dragonflyby on May 6, 2014 10:29 AM ()
I hate people like that~ your flowers are beauties.
comment by elderjane on May 2, 2014 5:12 PM ()
Grrr that is annoying!!!
But the flowers are beautiful!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 2, 2014 12:16 PM ()
It's more frustrating than annoying and will put a dent in my Etsy sales.
reply by nittineedles on May 2, 2014 12:19 PM ()
Whoa! Sounds like that guy needs a life - must have lost his day job, so now he's micro-managing that forum. Sometimes bad ideas die of their own stupidity.
comment by troutbend on May 2, 2014 11:53 AM ()
Other members of the forum can knit my designs and show their item in the Pictures section. They can even post a link to the pattern they used and tell everyone I designed it. I wonder for how long he will allow that to go on.
reply by nittineedles on May 2, 2014 12:18 PM ()

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