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lived up to my expectations. I had just sat down in the Dracula chair when the hospital's loud speaker announced a fire drill. As I left the lab I could see the waiting lab testees milling about like lost sheep as various and sundry hospital staff bore down on us with patient occupied wheelchairs. I, personally, was almost run down by a frantic nurse and her charge. I had barely progressed ten feet from the lab's door when the all clear was sounded and everyone returned to their stations. Of course, the machine that spits out the umpteen stickers for my umpteen vials of bodily fluids automatically shuts down during fire drills so we had to wait for that. The lab tech amused herself by asking me all the same questions as the receptionist had just before the fire drill. I am proud to announce that I was able to squeeze out a few drops of urine, although half of them missed the cup. I kept expecting someone to call this afternoon to tell me to come back and top up the cup. Blockbuster only had one copy of National Treasure and it was out but I did snag National Treasure 2 and thoroughly enjoyed watching it after lunch. I'm ashamed to admit I wimped out with the pizza. Instead of a big, mybloggers pizza I chose a thin crust pizza. I'm not sure if I did that because they were on sale or because I knew a big, mybloggers one would upset my stomach. The only downer today was spending three hours trying to figure out how to download music to my MP3 player. Two of those hours were spent trying to download and install the latest Adobe. I still haven't got the MP3 player figured out. If anyone out there has a SanDisk Sansa c200.....HEEEEELP!

posted on May 28, 2008 12:22 AM ()


An interesting start to the day.
And at least you got the pizza, mybloggers or not.
comment by walkwithgrace on May 31, 2008 7:24 AM ()
Sorry, can't help you. I just mastered making a playlist, adding songs to it, and being able to post it in different places...that took me 6 months to figure out.
comment by donnamarie on May 30, 2008 1:08 PM ()
CAn't help on the MP3 I barely know how to download my ipod and catdancer had to give me specifics for LEt us know about your lab work. How long will it take before you hear anything?
comment by cindy on May 28, 2008 7:31 PM ()
It's so strange how you can make friends over the "mybloggers" spoon. Woodn it be great to have a giant party for all blogsters and greasers.
comment by docrock on May 28, 2008 4:22 PM ()
I hate SanDisk and I hate Adobe. Can't get sandisk to load any tunes and anytime I try to open a PDF file, my computer freezes up. Bleh!
comment by shesaidwhat on May 28, 2008 3:38 PM ()
National Treasure2 was ho hum.To each his own.
I liked the first one better.
comment by fredo on May 28, 2008 9:50 AM ()
you liked National Treasure 2? I didn't see the first one but R said it was much better than the second...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 28, 2008 9:08 AM ()
A Sanwhat???
comment by grumpy on May 28, 2008 3:03 AM ()

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