I was going to take my D-I-L's vest to work on at today's Knitting Circle but I was able to finish it by 5:30 this morning when I was finally able to fall asleep. It wasn't the usual insomnia. I was wired! It has got to be one of two things; either the coffee served at last night's Guild meeting wasn't decaf or Claritin has an odd effect on me. My allergy medication is typically Reactin but it isn't working this Spring so I thought I'd switch to a different drug. The Claritin isn't working either but if that's what kept me bouncing in my chair last night I can always take it in the morning. When I say it's not working I mean it's not working as well as I had hoped or think it should and I'm still wandering around with itchy eyes and a runny nose.
The spinning wheel looked so good I thought I'd dress up the bobbins too.
Nosy Miss Angel is wondering how on earth I'm going to put her food in those funny lookin' bowls.
posted on Apr 18, 2012 7:21 PM ()
What a beautiful job you did! Terrific! Applause! I have a friend whose over-the-counter allergy med got her all jazzed up, too. She ended up with an Rx from her doc. Allergies are really bad this season. Our winter here was so mild, and everything got a head start. Hope you feel better....
How cute! Love the pics!
I have allergies too, and oddly enough, what works better than pills is Nasonex, a nasal spray. I don't know how a two squirts up the nostrils drains the itchy liquid in the ears, or tearing eyes, but it does, and that's what matters.
Rex smells my flowers. When I put a new plant out, he has to inspect it and I am sure Angel is even more curious.
Everything looks so pretty! Fantastic photo of Angel and the bobbins, too.
Very nicely done. Yup, its the Claritin!!! Might try some Chamomile tea...
Very pretty. Please say hello to Angel for me. I've got some hot cider mix that for some reason keeps me awake all night, so I never drink it after noon.
I have a friend whose over-the-counter allergy med got her all jazzed up, too. She ended up with an Rx from her doc. Allergies are really bad this season. Our winter here was so mild, and everything got a head start. Hope you feel better....