When I went out to bring in the garbage can and recycling bins this lovely sight greeted me so I nipped back in for my camera.
There were a few years, way back when, that I knit all my baby girl clothes with peach coloured yarn and all the baby boy things in mint. I love these colours.
Shortly after our Salmon Festival, in early September, some one asked me what the Salmon Festival did with the winning fish and I had no answer for them. Even DH didn't know what was done with it.........until a few days ago when we received this.
Now we know.
I wonder how many cans of chinook salmon they were able to get out of this year's winner.
This is Stewie. He is a 5 year old Maine Coon who lives in Reno, Nevada.
At 123.2cm/48.5 inches he is the Guinness World Record holder as the longest cat. I wonder if they had to knock him out to measure him.
posted on Oct 20, 2010 7:03 PM ()
Imagine all the cat-yarn you could get from Stewie.
Who funnily enough I just saw on a newsie program this morning.
I am ashamed to admit I would probably use the salmon as cat food....I can't stand it. Your picture of the sunset is beautiful.
Angel will probably help with the salmon.
That is one spectacular kitty. Somehow I feel sorry for the salmon.
That salmon should be extra yummy!
When Buddy the 30 inch cat wants to jump up on a bed or somewhere he doesn't go very often, he stands up on his hind legs to check it out first. Just imagine how many more places that longest cat can check out.
Who funnily enough I just saw on a newsie program this morning.