My granddaughter's 2nd birthday was on Saturday. It was held at a kid's play centre called In Play On Bute. The kids had a blast. I did not. If you are reading this, DD#2, you know it isn't personal. There were just too many bratty, illmannered people and way too many children for my comfort zone. I did, however, enjoy watching my grandkids play.
The 14 month old lost in a forest of legs.
The 6 year old and his brother arrive at the bottom of the tunnel slide. It all happened too fast for the 14 month old and he had to try that again.....and again.....and again.....
DD#1 and her sons grinning at me from the treehouse.
The Birthday Girl.
DH wasn't able to attend due to illness (the lucky bugger). We gave her the pink and white sweater I knit, a Bucket O' Balls and a Mrs Potato Head complete with pink accessories; earings, purses and painted lips.
posted on Oct 21, 2010 10:21 PM ()
I loved taking Scott to our local pay-to-play pen. In the kids went, the guard locked the gate behind them and I got to relax with book and coffee.
How fun.... for the kids. It is still much better then having the party at your house. Today they're 2, tomorrow they'll be 20. It just seems to go that fast.
Those places are heaven for kids, and hell for everyone else. Play on Bute?? "Bute" is a drug for horses.
At least the kids loved it. I'd like to try that slide myself. Being childless, I have been spared golden moments like these. The cats, however, can be really bratty. My favorite "I hate" moment comes when people bring their infants to restaurants and let them scream their heads off without taking them outside, and wimp restaurant managers who'd rather alienate other customers, than approach the offenders and offer them a way out.
I love the dog that your little sweetie is crawling into. I have one coming up for Ashley. She has sleepovers so all I have to do is make chocolate cup cakes and give her fifty dollars and a card. (Her request) I get off easy.
It looks like a fun place for for a kids Birthday party, and looks like they are enjoying it even among a forest of legs. Amazing how our kids are so well behaved, while others are such pests
Thank you for confirming my childless state. No birthday parties and minimal exposure to other people's bra.... No really I love the little bug....s
I don't know why some people think they should not teach their children self-restraint. They turn into very ugly adults!
I abhore birthday parties and dread them when they come up for my two little ones This is going to sound awful but it is very rarely that I lke other peoples children, they are spoilt, jumped up brats, but of course, mine are angels Take care xxx