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Too Many W I Ps
Too Many W I Ps
For those of you who are unfamiliar knitting and the accounting profession, WIP means Work In Progress. My WIPs are in the realm of knitting. I currently have on my needles two pairs of socks, one ruffled scarf and a baby sweater. I also have four bags of yarn set aside for specific projects. Unfortunately, I have forgotten just what my planned project was for two of the bags. Not included in my WIPs are two items I finished just this morning.

A cropped cardigan for my three year old granddaughter. It's not her favourite colour and she probably doesn't have anything to wear that matches but it's warm. I knit it with some left over peach, acrylic yarn. This is called stash busting although this item doesn't even make a dent in my stash.

I bought this lovely sock yarn in Nova Scotia this year. It has alpaca in it and is oh-so-soft. While in the yarn shop I asked DH if he would like a pair of socks in this colour and with a quick glance he said, "Ya, sure." I was half finished knitting the first sock when, out of the blue, he says, "If you make me socks this Christmas, I need a brown pair to go with my brown pants." So, now my feet will swaddled in these burgundy beauties.
posted on Nov 10, 2011 12:39 PM ()
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