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Weight Loss >
I'm Gonna Come Clean with You
I'm Gonna Come Clean with You
Even DH doesn't know how much I weigh but you guys are going to find out. Three years ago I was 222 lb. Last Fall I was down to 200 and that's where I am still stuck. I need to get down to 156 in order to be in the "healthy" range for my BMI (Body Mass Index) but my goal is 145. That weight would put me into a size 14. At five foot six and a half inches anything under 135 (my wedding weight at 24 years of age) would make me look anorexic.
I had a good day, diet wise, yesterday. I did, however forget to weigh myself but I've been 200 give or take a few for so long I'll use that as my start weight. My weigh in day will be Saturday mornings just in case DH wants to take me out for a meal on the weekend.
Next Tuesday I'll be redoing the lab test for Diabetes and the Monday after that I have an appointment with Dr Duck (Quack, quack) to find out the results. The last test showed that I am Pre-Diabetic and I haven't lost any weight since then so I don't expect the news to be good.
Well, it's time for my brekky. DH had better not have eaten my banana.
posted on Oct 7, 2008 11:08 AM ()
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