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Health & Fitness > Weight Loss > I'm Gonna Come Clean with You

I'm Gonna Come Clean with You

Even DH doesn't know how much I weigh but you guys are going to find out. Three years ago I was 222 lb. Last Fall I was down to 200 and that's where I am still stuck. I need to get down to 156 in order to be in the "healthy" range for my BMI (Body Mass Index) but my goal is 145. That weight would put me into a size 14. At five foot six and a half inches anything under 135 (my wedding weight at 24 years of age) would make me look anorexic.
I had a good day, diet wise, yesterday. I did, however forget to weigh myself but I've been 200 give or take a few for so long I'll use that as my start weight. My weigh in day will be Saturday mornings just in case DH wants to take me out for a meal on the weekend.
Next Tuesday I'll be redoing the lab test for Diabetes and the Monday after that I have an appointment with Dr Duck (Quack, quack) to find out the results. The last test showed that I am Pre-Diabetic and I haven't lost any weight since then so I don't expect the news to be good.
Well, it's time for my brekky. DH had better not have eaten my banana.

posted on Oct 7, 2008 11:08 AM ()


I can eat a banana and still lose weight. Exercise is not fun but I think it makes you feel better and have more energy.
comment by elderjane on Oct 9, 2008 4:05 AM ()
I just found out that I am pre-diabetic as well. I really need to watch my diet and get serious about it.
comment by hopefields on Oct 9, 2008 3:32 AM ()
Oh right. Vanity sizing! Sizes have actually gotten larger over the years. Women are more likely to buy if they fit into a size smaller than usual.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Oct 7, 2008 7:43 PM ()
I find that it really helps to take an exercise class. I'm much more motivated when I'm paying for it. Yoga or pilates are both really good. I lost my baby weight mostly by riding an exercise bike while watching TV or reading or holding a baby. Good luck. (And at 145lbs, I think you would be a size 12!)
comment by imaginaryfriend on Oct 7, 2008 6:58 PM ()
I am SO proud of you for just taking this step! Way to go!!!
Plan ahead, be honest with yourself, and don't give up! HOORAY!
comment by nikilovestoeat on Oct 7, 2008 4:20 PM ()
How would you like me to cheer you on?

Drill sergeant like…Get a move on Fatty!…? Seems a bit harsh tho.

Or would you like me to run [HaHa me run...pfft]on ahead with yer bag of knitting, yarn and such…and you have to chase and catch me.

Seriously, Good Luck with it Marg.
comment by dazeymae on Oct 7, 2008 3:36 PM ()
keep that good effert up marg its so bloody hard to loose weight i know i lost 20 kilos many yrs ago i walked and bought a calorie count book i allowed myself 1, 500 cals per day and it worked i felt great
comment by oldroan on Oct 7, 2008 3:34 PM ()
Ugh - don'tcha wish we could all weigh what we wanted? And eat anything that tastes good? Maybe that's what heaven is!!
comment by meranda on Oct 7, 2008 2:32 PM ()
ood luck. You have done good - so far. I was about ready to try the new weightloss drug (over the counter), when I got a bug and kept it forever, even now I have flare-ups. Lostr 20 pounds but have gained about ten back. I can wear size 8, so am ready to "rest" from worrying about my weight. It is so hard to lose when you really try. Do you walk? I hate4 walking and don't. But everyone says I should. Good luck!!!
comment by nenah on Oct 7, 2008 1:42 PM ()
Good Luck, girl. Be careful of the fruit; my dad's sugar would elevate from the fruit that he would eat. The dr. told him that he would have to limit the amount and size of portions.
comment by angiedw on Oct 7, 2008 1:06 PM ()
good luck with the weight loss. about 4 years ago i took off 38 pounds and have been fortuniate to keep it off. well with the exception of the 9 months i was preg with twins.
comment by butterfly1969 on Oct 7, 2008 1:01 PM ()
Ahhh, I understand now. Overweight so pre-diabetic.

Keep at it. Do the Weight Watchers thing if that works for you.

Last time you wrote that you were going to start exercising. What progress have you made toward that plan? The place to start is a plan, but don't get stuck there.

What type of exercises do you like? How much are you going to do (at least initially)? How does it fit in with your schedule now?
comment by stiva on Oct 7, 2008 12:26 PM ()
Is banana good for you there.Overipe contains a lot of sugar.
some people complain that they put the weight on.
For me have a half.To keep my pottasium up some.
Grapes are not very good for diabetic.They also contain
sugar.A friend of mine allow only 10 and no more.
comment by fredo on Oct 7, 2008 11:22 AM ()

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