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Computers Are like Men
Computers Are like Men
Can't live with them. Can't live without them.
I got my computer back from Staples. They were supposed to transfer everything over from the old desktop but I couldn't find any photos, documents or contacts. I had a little panic time but then, after playing with the laptop for a few hours I found the photos and documents. The pictures were NOT in "Pictures" nor were the documents in "Documents". They are in something called "Owner". ??? The contacts are gone, never to be seen again.
I searched for a disk drive to no avail. So I went into Staples and asked how I am supposed to add programs with no disk drive and was shown to the external disk drive isle. Bloody salesman! It would have been nice if he had thought to mention that lack of feature before we bought the laptop. I suppose, when the computer is paper thin, there is no room for a disk drive.
I still have to figure out how to put pictures on the computer. All this messing about with the laptop is seriously cutting into my knitting time. However, I am enjoying it. The screen size is sufficient. The keys are nice and big as are the letters on the keys. Best of all it doesn't freeze on me when I'm in the middle of a blog.
posted on Nov 20, 2014 8:41 PM ()
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