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Carding & Dyeing & Spinning Oh My
Carding & Dyeing & Spinning Oh My
The first time I stopped in at our new local yarn shop the owner asked what I was working on and as I had my knitting handy I showed her the grey dyed Polwarth, turquoise dyed wool and Husky dog hair art yarn I had spun for my current project. She loved it and said it might be a good idea to have some locally made yarn in her shop and could I make some more for her. I agreed and set about carding and spinning for the next week.



Ready to knit
I dropped it off at the yarn shop and the payment I asked for was minor compared to what I could have sold it for on Etsy. The thing is, I haven't sold anything on Etsy for a while and I figured "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". I don't know what she is asking for my art yarn but I hope it sells quickly. I might get some more business from her if it does. She also purchesed 33 of my stitch markers. Anyway, I didn't want to seem pushy so I gave her my card and told her to call if she wants more yarn or stitch markers.
Then I went home and dyed up some Corridale in some nice summery colours.


I call it Marigold and it's the best spinning I have ever done! A nice, even fingering weight.
Last month I posted about nursekim lending me her drum carder. I've been using it a lot and have discovered it's just as calming, soothing and relaxing as spinning and knitting. DH got tired of hearing me lament about going back to the hand carders when it came time to return Kim's carder and as he hadn't bought me a Christmas gift last year nor a Birthday gift this year he told me to order a drum carder for myself. This one is all mine.

It's a Strauch Petit Drum Carder

It came with the pirate hook, the dog brush and the nail brush. The cat was extra.

Nosey cat picture.
posted on May 15, 2011 4:10 PM ()
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