Knit Picks is the name of an on line store that sells yarn, knitting needles and other fibre related supplies. They have these beautiful wooden needles, called Harmony, that are a rainbow of colour. I have wanted some from the first time I laid eyes on them.

Last September I found some Harmony circular needles for sale at the fibre festival in Nanaimo and I immediately bought them. Well, they sort of got misplaced in my craft room but I recently found them and decided to try them out on my latest shawl. However, while working the first round with this needle I was horrified to discover that the plastic cable had seperated from it's metal base and my lacey stitches were hanging in mid air.

I was surprised as I had seen nothing but good reviews for the Harmony needles. Of course, I e-mailed Knit Picks about the defective cable and this is the ultimate reply I received from them.
Dear Margaret,
I am very sorry to hear that you received a defective cable. I am sending out a replacement set right away. It will arrive in 5-14 business days through Canada Post. You can just dispose of the bad cable. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. If you have any other questions you can also call us at (800)574-1323. Sorry again for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Have a great day!
Knit Picks Customer Service