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Autumn Colour
Autumn Colour
Just thought I'd show you some of the autumn colours in my yard.
This is the garden along the side of the house. We picked out the plants together but DH did all the work. He's a much better gardener than I. The overgrown hedge at the other end of the sidewalk hasn't been trimmed all year due to wasps taking up residence in there. DH is just waiting for the first frost so he can hack it down.
I planted this Autumn Glory Maple tree in our front yard 18 or 19 years ago when it was just a little sapling. It is breathtakingly beautiful in the fall.
This is the view from our guest room window. It faces east and when the morning sun is shining, the whole room is bathed in an orange glow. It's spectacular!
Poor Angel. We had a thunder storm going on most of the afternoon and Angel hid out behind the furnace. She didn't come out until her saviour, DH, came home and he, not realizing where she had been, scooped her up in his arms to nuzzle her (sigh, that used to be me). Poor Daddy. When he put her down his navy blue jacket was covered in grey dust. Poor Marg. Here I thought no one would notice that I don't clean behind the furnace. :o(
posted on Oct 22, 2014 12:01 AM ()
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