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I Have Arrived
I Have Arrived
I was in Safeway yesterday stocking up for the week ahead. I had finished the picking and choosing and was standing at the checkout waiting for my purchases to be rung up. The cashier shook open the first of my knit grocery bags and, as nearly always happens, she commented on how nice it. I thanked her and she then asked if I had made it. I gave my standard answer of yes, I had.

Turns out she's a knitter and wants to knit some bags just like that for herself. While she filled my bag and we discussed yarn shops we had visited, I fished my business card out of my purse and handed it to her. I told her if she just googles my name on the card, Nittineedles, she should be able to find a link to my free pattern for the bag. She took the card, glanced at it and said, "That looks familiar." I told her I have a booth at the Craft Market every Sunday but she indicated she hadn't been there. Then it hit me. She has seen "Nittineedles" on line! How cool is that? Ah yes, I have arrived.
Link to pattern:
posted on July 18, 2012 8:40 PM ()
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