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Politics & Legal > I Won! I Won!

I Won! I Won!

My notification came in the mail. I won! "Your name was chosen at random" Yes siree, I won! What's my prize? Ooh, I'm so excited. I get: "to appear in this Court, at this Courthouse, XXXX X Avenue Port Alberni, BC on Monday the 19th January, 2009 at the hour of 9:15 o'clock in the fore noon, and following days, upon the civil causes to be tried by Juries; and not leave without the consent of the Court as required by law." Yes folks. It's a summons for jury duty. I've never won this...cough, cough privilege before but since it's a government thing I'd better take my knitting. Do you think they'll disqualify me if I tell them I don't need to be at the trial 'cause I can tell, right now, by his beady little eyes that he's guilty? Then apologize to the prosecutor for calling his eyes beady and little? Should I pack a bag? put my Micardis and low dose aspirin in my purse? kiss DH goodbye for the duration? Maybe it's just some bozo fighting his j-walking ticket. You know, if the RCMP would just use those tasers more often there'd be fewer trials.

posted on Jan 4, 2009 1:34 AM ()


jury duty.... have fun. At least you will have wonderful tales to post.
comment by cindy on Jan 4, 2009 5:29 PM ()
I have only been called for jury duty once---many years ago, I was called to report for jury duty in Oklahoma City to sit in federal district court--not the same as jury duty in my county by any stretch of the imagination. At the time I was teaching school, and teachers then--not now--could automatically be excused from serving. I called my attorney to ask him what this involved. He informed me that I could be tied up for months; so I took the coward's way out and sent in my letter opting out.
comment by redimpala on Jan 4, 2009 9:10 AM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 4, 2009 9:08 AM ()
You may get dismissed, you never know. Or, you could find yourself a part of something that really turns out to be quite interesting, you never know. I'd say, just be prepared for both...bring some knitting, any meds you may need, some pocket money, and whatever else you think you'll need without loading yourself down like you're going on a safari. Hey, it may not be so bad, after all it's all starting on Jan 19, which is my birthday, so good things do happen on that date! lol
comment by donnamarie on Jan 4, 2009 8:41 AM ()
I was called on December 1. I was in at 9 and out at 11:15 (got paid for the day). This was the first time I had been called in Delaware County and it was different than anywhere I had served before. The pep-talk by the Commissioner was so inspirational that I was sorry to leave without hearing the case. I signed a waver to have my name put back in the pool so I'll have a chance at getting called again soon!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 4, 2009 7:26 AM ()
Here in Texas, if you are over a certain age - you can opt out of jury duty. After braving the trip down-town for several trials that lasted a week, I decided to say -"Hey, I am toooo old for this stuff".

Good luck. Nena
comment by nenah on Jan 4, 2009 7:02 AM ()

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