My notification came in the mail. I won! "Your name was chosen at random" Yes siree, I won! What's my prize? Ooh, I'm so excited. I get: "to appear in this Court, at this Courthouse, XXXX X Avenue Port Alberni, BC on Monday the 19th January, 2009 at the hour of 9:15 o'clock in the fore noon, and following days, upon the civil causes to be tried by Juries; and not leave without the consent of the Court as required by law." Yes folks. It's a summons for jury duty. I've never won this...cough, cough privilege before but since it's a government thing I'd better take my knitting. Do you think they'll disqualify me if I tell them I don't need to be at the trial 'cause I can tell, right now, by his beady little eyes that he's guilty? Then apologize to the prosecutor for calling his eyes beady and little? Should I pack a bag? put my Micardis and low dose aspirin in my purse? kiss DH goodbye for the duration? Maybe it's just some bozo fighting his j-walking ticket. You know, if the RCMP would just use those tasers more often there'd be fewer trials.