I've finished one of Islander's hubby's Christmas gifts. With the little bit of left over chiengora from their Sheltie I made him this:
A Pooch Pouch
With a paw print front and back.
posted on Oct 14, 2010 10:37 AM ()
I will never have another Sheltie. They bark constantly and they have way too much hair and get poop in it. However they are great dogs for the hearing impaired and for herding sheep and goats. Mine used to herd us by nipping at our heels.
how fun. What is a sheltie?
Wouldn't mind having something like that for me--if I had a pooch!
Very nice. I like the colors. Shelties always remind of one time I was looking over at the neighbors and said 'Look honey, the neighbors got a sheltie.' But then it jumped the fence and I realized it was an urban fox.