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It Never Rains. it Only Pours.
It Never Rains. it Only Pours.
This was one of Mom's favourite sayings when I was a kid. Boy oh boy is she right. First we needed a new printer. Next the computer dies. By the way, thanks for the input on my previous article. I am leaning towards a laptop. A big one with a decent sized monitor. Then my Timex stopped ticking and now the dishwasher is toast. It is leaking down in the basement. The dishwasher that is. It's dripping out of a heat register in the ceiling that is under the kitchen. I thought bad things only happened in threes. I'm wondering what will be next. DH is spring cleaning the basement so I'm guessing it will be the vacuum cleaner. :o{
posted on Oct 29, 2014 8:34 PM ()
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