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Panacalty & Angel
Panacalty & Angel
When DH and I visited with my mom last month she made Panacalty aka Pan Haggerty for our lunch. Until then, I had forgotten all about this tasty dish. Makes me wonder what other yummy meals from my childhood I've forgotten about. I know there were lots but the meals I remember most vividly were the ones who's smell drove me from the house, like sauerkraut or kippers. I got my mom's macaroni and cheese recipe when I moved out. DD#1 lived off of that and peanut butter and jam sandwiches for five years during the worst of her fussy eater phase. Anyway, I tried making the Panacalty for tonight's dinner and it turned out pretty good. I also baked an acorn squash to go with it. There was so much left over I can just reheat it in the microwave for my dinner while DH is out of town again.

Panacalty: Layers of thinly sliced potato, onion, cheddar cheese, slices of tinned corned beef (or any leftover cooked meat) and another layer of potato.

Baked squash: Butter/honey/cinnamon sauce is poured into cavity and baked for another 15 minutes.
Angel had nothing to do with the panacalty. There was no cat hair in our dinner. However, there are plenty of cat hairs on the clean towels.

I just couldn't be mad at such a cute little furry face and I didn't have the heart to move her. Besides, they're DH's towels. ;o)
posted on Feb 20, 2011 7:20 PM ()
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