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This N' That with Pictures
This N' That with Pictures
Wanna know where I've been? Well I'm gonna tell ya anyway. I've been painting. Nothing artsy fartsy. Just boring old walls. The halls, half of the living room and the kitchen are (well, will be when I finish) a light beige and the other half of the living room and the dining room are one shade darker beige. I hate beige. It's such a blah colour but it goes with just about everything and I have accent pieces for a splash of colour. I should be finished with the painting in another week or two.
I thought I was going to see more of DH once the Salmon Festival was over but it's not meant to be. He came flying in the door at lunch time today and in between mouthfuls of sandwich he tells me he has a meeting in Parksville this afternoon and he doesn't know what time he'll be home but don't cook supper for him because he's babysitting students while they take an exam this evening. He said he should be home shortly after 9:00pm and he's going straight to bed. Tomorrow he's working in Ucluelet and probably won't be home until late. My sweatie's (No, that's not a typo. My Sweetie's sweaty from working too hard.) birthday is on Friday. We're having the girls and their families over for cake and ice cream on Sunday. I got him a massaging seat cushion for his back and an 86% cacao chocolate bar. I haven't got his case of beer yet as it's a little more difficult to hide.
I wonder if DD#1 has been reading my blog. After complaining, in Saturday's blog, about missing out on the festivities, she called the very next morning to ask if I would like to go with her and The Four Year Old. It was nice. I always enjoy spending time with my girls. We looked at the big ugly fish, watched the bullheads swimming around in the canal, had ice cream and caught a glimpse of DH ensconced in a booth selling tickets for one thing or another.
I have my schedule for babysitting The Four Year Old. I don't have him as much as I did before the summer. Just a couple of hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and an hour, one Monday per month. I'll have to think up some fun stuff we can do when the rainy season starts (October 1st to June 30th). I wonder if he's too young to learn to knit? ;o]
The newspaper delivery kid and his family and/or friends aren't the sharpest tacks in the box but I have to put a sign on my front gate to tell them to shut it. You'd think since they have to open it to get in the yard, they'd close it on their way out but noooo. This goes on the gate tonight and if he leaves it open once more I complaining. Ya, I know. I'm already complaining (I'm always complaining) but I'll complain to his boss if he doesn't smarten up. I guess I'll also have to leave a note telling him the newspaper goes on the bottom hooks so that there is room for my mail in the box. Duh!

Have I mentioned we are having the back yard done? They are going to level it to a gentle slope so we don't have that big step across the middle of the lawn. The two fruit trees are coming down. They're just too much hassle attracting bears and raccoons. A concrete wall that is embedded in the lawn will be removed. They will put in a small retaining wall by our back steps and put up a new fence down the side and across the back. They will also be bringing in some decent soil and seeding a new lawn. Today the gas man was here marking where our gas line is. The backhoe will be here tomorrow. The Four Year Old will be thrilled!
posted on Sept 2, 2008 8:24 PM ()
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Your newspaper situation made me laugh...not because it's funny, but because it's so typical today of people, especially kids. We were always taught to re-close doors and gates, to push chairs in, just to return things to the way we found them...but, gates left open can have serious results for some people even if it doesn't apply to you or everybody. Around here, a paper carrier can get in real trouble for putting the paper in the mailbox...the law states that nothing can be placed in a mailbox that isn't actually mail and it has to be placed there only by a mail carrier or the owner of the mailbox. Technically, an unmailed newspaper (or anything) placed in a mailbox is a federal offense.