The 37th Annual Port Alberni Salmon Festival started today. I haven't seen much of DH and don't expect him to be around until it's all over, Tuesday. No, he's not a fisherman. He's a volunteer. Anything that's happening in the community, he volunteers to help out. At least this year we don't have to postpone his birthday so he can attend his birthday dinner. Do I sound a tad bitter? I'm sorry. I try not to begrudge his volunteer time. I know how much he enjoys helping with all the various and sundry community projects. It's just that I haven't been to the Salmon Festival in years. Not since the kids were young enough to want to go see the big ugly fish or participate in the bullhead derby or just go for an ice cream cone and maybe catch a glimpse of their father ensconced in a booth selling tickets for one thing or another. I don't like going places by myself and it's not like he can spend some time with me while I'm there. I didn't go to the Tall Ships Festival this year either because he was volunteering for that too. Oh well, he'll be retiring in another four years and then I'll probably be glad to be rid of him for a few days. Ya, I know. I'm never satisfied.