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Meltdown Averted
Meltdown Averted
Weeks ago, I had arranged to meet a lady in my knitting circle and the two of us would head off to my second Weavers and Spinners Guild meeting tonight. The 7:30pm meeting was being held at another guild member's home and, unfortunately for me, she lives way out in the country. I wasn't too worried about getting lost because the lady who was going with me knew the general area and could be my navigator. Keep in mind that I dislike driving at any time, let alone at night, after dark. It struck me last night that I would have to find my friend's house alone and then I started to panic. I had to go. She wanted to join the guild and was counting on me to take her to the meeting. All day I went about my regular chores and carried on with my daily routine. I knit a bit, I spun some merino rovings for show and tell time at tonight's meeting. I went to the post office and mailed a baby sweater off to Toledo, Spain for an Etsy customer. I fervently wished DH hadn't gone out of town this week so I could ask him to drive us, even though I would have to endure his scoffing at my lack of courage. I fumbled with a wall lamp knocking it to the floor and smashing the cfl bulb to smithereens. I hadn't eaten much all day due to the sick feeling in my stomach. At 6:00 I assembled everything I needed to take to the meeting, including Google maps on how to get to my friend's house and how to find the meeting place, along with written directions in an email from the guild's president. At 6:30 my nervous, sweaty fingers dialed my friend's number. I was hoping and praying **Yes! Me! Praying!** she had forgotten about the meeting and wouldn't want to go. When she answered the phone I asked if she still wanted to go to the meeting and she told me she wasn't really bothered about attending. Was I ticked off because of all the preparations and time I had wasted worrying myself sick? Not on your life. All I felt was a wave of relief wash over me. Meltdown averted! We chatted for a few minutes and it turns out she doesn't like driving or going out after dark either. I sure hope the next meeting is held within the city limits where there are street lights and road signs on every corner and I'm a little more familiar with the area. Maybe I should just offer my home for all the meetings.
posted on Nov 15, 2011 9:34 PM ()
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