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To Market to Market
To Market to Market
to buy a fat turkey. Home again, Home again jiggity jerky.
I've already got my turkey. Bought it in October when they went on sale for Thanksgiving. What did we eat for Thanksgiving, you ask? Why the turkey I bought last Christmas you silly. I don't know how I got one step ahead of my self, turkey wise, but I think I won't buy one this Christmas to catch up.
My MIL once told me there are several different types of mothers and I'm the cookie baker type. I suppose, because I didn't have a job outside of my home, she envisioned me as a 1950's housewife and mother running around with a vacuum cleaner, hands coated with flour, clothed in a dress and apron. Boy did she have it wrong. I am NOT a cookie baker. I only get out the vacuum and duster when company is coming and I despise baking. I only bake once a year. Yup, Christmas time. As Christmas is only two weeks away I baked my shortbread cookies today.
They will have the full 14 days to mellow. I will place the cookies in decorative tin cans and they will be put away until Christmas Day. It's the only way we can keep from eating them all before the big day. But I am NOT a cookie baker!
posted on Dec 10, 2013 7:42 PM ()
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