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Life & Events > A Little Birdy Said Cheap, Cheap, Cheap

A Little Birdy Said Cheap, Cheap, Cheap

I have a booth at our local Sunday Craft Market and usually people are telling me I price my items too low. Last Sunday was different. A lady was looking at my basket of baby socks and asked if I have any larger sizes. I told her I just had one pair of adult socks left. She said she needed a child's size 10 for her granddaughter. I told her I could make them for her and she asked how much. I replied $20.00 and she points to the basket of tiny, baby socks and says, "But they're only $5.00." I grudgingly lowered the price to $15.00, she paid me and went on her way. I am so angry with myself for lowering the price. The sock yarn alone is $8.00, assuming I can get one pair out of a 50g ball. So I'm not using the good stuff. However, she did throw me a bone. She said if her granddaughter likes the socks she'll have me knit another pair. I'm thinking, "Not bloody likely."

Shortly after Gramma Cheapo left an older couple was looking at my wares. The foot in mouth afflicted husband looked at the price of my Cowichan Style Sweater on display and shouts, "EIGHTY DOLLARS!" His poor, mortified wife announced, "And it's worth every penny." as she grabbed his arm and literally pulled him away from my booth.

I love selling at the craft market. It's so entertaining.


posted on July 3, 2017 11:07 PM ()


Those are good suggestions. People underestimate the care and work involved in hand-made items. How about having a photo of yourself at the loom, weaving the yarn, that could sit on your sale table?
comment by tealstar on July 4, 2017 6:42 AM ()
No need for a photo. I sit at my spinning wheel and spin for the five hours I'm there.
reply by nittineedles on July 4, 2017 8:16 AM ()
Your items are one of a kind and hand made. Maybe you should put up a sign pointing this out.
comment by elderjane on July 4, 2017 5:46 AM ()
Those who can't see my stuff is "one of a kind and hand made" shouldn't be buying it. It's a CRAFT market not a FLEA market.
reply by nittineedles on July 4, 2017 8:09 AM ()
The foot-in-mouthers would drive me crazy. You could really use a sign that tells the process of your goods (and yarnmaking), to emphasize that this is something different from buying the usual pair of socks. If people think you made all the yarn instead of just some, who cares. Maybe they'll appreciate things more.
comment by drmaus on July 4, 2017 12:02 AM ()
This is my 7th summer at this craft market and it's the first time I have ever been caught off guard like this. Won't happen again.
reply by nittineedles on July 4, 2017 8:04 AM ()

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