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Life & Events > This That and the Other

This That and the Other

I had my annual colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago. The doctor didn't find anything.....again but I have an appointment, in early July, to find out the results of the gastroscopy. Fingers crossed for more of nothing.

I have to drive my car from Port Alberni to Nanaimo next week and I am unbelievably stressed out. It's only about an hour and a quarter trip but it's all on highways. I don't even like driving in town. I was never cut out to be a driver. I hate driving. I haven't driven on a highway in decades and I'm terrified.

The next time a prospective customer asks if I take credit cards I can say, "Why yes, I do." I got a Square to use at the Craft Market.


Now maybe I can unload some of my more pricey items.

Don gave me an iPhone for my birthday and I've been thinking about taking a selfie but I'm afraid of what I'll

My new avatar:


posted on June 16, 2017 8:02 PM ()


Credit cards are so costly for business to process that I pay cash locally whenever I can. But hey, if it will move more costly items it's probably worth it. You can get over your fear of selfies by putting your thumb over the camera the first few times. That will get boring real fast and you'll want the real thing.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 20, 2017 6:35 AM ()
On average, about twice a month I get asked if I take credit cards and miss out on a sale when I say no. They usually have the goods in hand while asking. The Square card reader was free and they only charge 2.65% for each transaction. Most people don't carry a cheque book any more, the blinkety-blank ATM is usually out of order and who has $125.00 in their pocket to pay for my gorgeous, teal, Aran, alpaca sweater?
reply by nittineedles on June 20, 2017 9:19 AM ()
OMG. I went to the Wool Market and forgot you asked me to take pictures. But you know what? What was for sale was like your new avatar times 74 booths. There were so many booths with so much stuff it was overwhelming. It seemed like everyone had tons of beautiful yarn, and things made from yarn, and books and accessories for knitters. And spinning supplies. I bought a set of 3 dryer balls, and 2 llama dolls (6 inches) and a trivet for setting hot dishes on with a cute donkey painting on it. As for yarn etc., there was too much to choose from, and too much to see, I didn't know where to begin.
comment by troutbend on June 18, 2017 7:21 PM ()
Oh how I wish I could have been there. SEVENTY-FOUR BOOTHS! Oh how I wish I could have been there...Did I already say that?
reply by nittineedles on June 18, 2017 10:32 PM ()
Have you succumbed to a new kitten yet?
comment by elderjane on June 17, 2017 4:38 AM ()
Not yet. We'll be getting a couple of siblings in the fall from the SPCA. I can't wait.
reply by nittineedles on June 17, 2017 8:34 PM ()

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