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Hospitality Inn's Mother's Day Buffet
Hospitality Inn's Mother's Day Buffet
DH took me out out to the Hospitality Inn for their Mother's Day Brunch. Someone should explain to them that brunch is made from two other words; breakfast and lunch. It's not brinner nor is it lupper. Lukewarm, dried out scrambled eggs and bacon in a dish labeled sausages were the only ready to eat breakfast fare. The rest of the food were dishes taken from a dinner menu; ham, cabbage rolls, ribs and lasagna. There was an entire table devoted to various and sundry salads and another to two plates of pickles, one platter of raw veggies, a bowl of crusty dinner rolls (no butter) and a lot of tablecloth. Another table held chopped up fruit and a chocolate fountain but I find 10:30AM just a little too early in the day for chocolate covered anything. One more table held the sweet desserts; cakes I didn't try, a trifle that turned out to be sour raspberry instead of the typical strawberry and mass produced squares that tasted like mushy cardboard. Then there was the table with premeasured batter and two waffle irons where I announced to anyone within earshot, "If I wanted to cook my own breakfast, I would have stayed home!" We were nearing the end of the meal when I was dismayed to hear the waitress ask the patrons at the table next to us if they would like some champagne-orange juice. She hadn't offered any to us and apparently it was included in the price of the buffet. When we went back for some salad there were no clean plates set out. In previous years the ladies were each given a single carnation to take home. This year our table didn't even sport a fake flower in a little vase. It was dissapointing to say the least and next year we will be having our Mother's Day breakfast at Smitty's Pancake House.
posted on May 13, 2012 10:50 PM ()
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