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Fitness Update & Knitting
Fitness Update & Knitting
My physiotherapist told me to keep walking the same amount as I was. However, I'm not allowed to increase at all. She believes my hip pain stems from overly tight thigh muscles and has given me some stretching exercises to do. So far, the exercises are causing the muscles around both hips to feel sore, but it's only been two days. I go back to see her next Thursday.
I have no idea what the last knit item I showed you was but here are a couple of pairs of socks I recently finished for myself.
I bought the yarn for these while on Mom's Birthday Trip last month. I tried to knit a scarf with it but it just didn't look right.
These socks were knit with a mosaic stitch. It makes them thicker/warmer for this coming winter.
These soft, cushy socks are for sale.
The pattern in the book calls this outfit, Little Boy Blue. I'm calling it Little Boy green.
And last but not least is Dreambird.
Looks nice, doesn't it? It was THE worst pattern I have ever come across in all my years knitting! I read somewhere it was translated from German. I suspect it was by the same person who translates the Norwegian Drops Designs patterns. It was sold two days after I took the photo.
Don't know if I should put this article in Health & Fitness or Hobbies & Games. I think I'll put it in Hobbies & Games as fitness is becoming a hobby with me.
posted on May 15, 2015 8:32 PM ()
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