My new shawl is blocking and I have learned two things. #1 Never block first thing in the morning. I need to limber up a bit before spending an hour bent over a bed, sticking pins in things. #2 I forgot. Apparently, it's going to be one of Those days. I was too impatient and started the shawl after finishing only one of my three projects on the go, so I need to ply more yarn for my asymmetrical cardigan. The lacy scarf is on the back burner. It's just too boring for words. I will work on it when I am under brain strain from designing. I already have another shawl taking shape in my mind. I wasn't going to show off my new shawl until it was ready to wear but I just can't wait the day or two it will take to dry. Soooo.....
Here's a sneak peek.
posted on Mar 21, 2011 10:30 AM ()
Very nice indeed! Do you work on a circular needle? Looking forward to the completed project!
Great colors. Maybe if I still lived up north I'd get off my butt and try to knit again so I could have unusual sweaters. And I'll have to dig out the one sweater I did do and post a photo. It is quite nice. I am still amazed I did it.
Last fall I bought a bunch of what looked like boring brown yarn that I thought I was going to use with some self-striping yarn, it seemed to be the only color in the store that was even close to 'going' with it, but decided I didn't like the idea once I got it all home. So I finally made a scarf with a ball of the brown, and turns out it has subtle grays and rusts in it so it works up prettier than I expected. Now I want to make a matching hat.
Beautiful, hope your back is better.
Oooooooooooo. A picture worth a thousand words.
You are such a tease it is looking amazing fantastic colours cant wait to see the whole thing