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Inspirational Thoughts

About Me LET US MAKE SPECIAL NOTE: As of Nov 2, 2010, Yellow Cosmic Star, Traditional Count: 4 Ahau, we will have exactly 3 Galactic Spin cycles until Solstice 2012, the end of the 5,125 year World Age. That is 3 x 260 = 780 days. This is a VERY important day to do ceremony and attune yourself to these accelerated and shifting times. We must make direct connection to the Earth, to the Cosmic realms, and to our own Spiritual Guides that live within our hearts… Every day counts! Here is a very beautiful healing and calming meditation for peace and harmony. 1. Sit quietly in a chair or floor with a straight posture and relax your muscles for a couple minutes. 2. Meditate on your liver (upper right rib cage); visualize the color green for one minute. 3. Meditate on the heart and visualize the color red for a minute 4. Meditate on the stomach (upper left rib cage) and visualize the color yellow. 5. Meditate on your lungs and visualize the color white for one minute 6. Meditate on your kidneys and visualize the color dark blue for a minute. Practice this meditation until you feel the peace of God or Tao flowing through you. Meditate when you have good energy and feel rested. Perform morning or night or when you feel upset, angry, fearful, anxious or out-of- balance. Go inside to find inner peace, then go out into the world with agape love. Learn to do things for the joy of doing them. Sing for the joy of singing, dance for the joy of dancing, work for the joy of working, serve for the joy of serving, without thinking of a reward. Above all, see the beautiful in life and be thankful for what you have. The love of God-Tao will shower blessings upon you beyond your wildest expectations! Relax - Buddhist Meditation Music - Zen Garden - Kokin Gumi So be it. Robert Zuraw is a certified instructor in the Tian Tao Chi Kung System for the Chinese National Chi Kung Institute, personal eyesight improvement trainer, nutritionist and herbalist.

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