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Inspirational Thoughts

Education > 84 Years Old.. Message and Inspiration

84 Years Old.. Message and Inspiration

Remember that controversial Invisible Counselor technique I was telling you about?
Here's a man who's created his own version of it, with surprising results:

>>> Meet Burt Goldman.

Burt is 84 years old, and at first glance he seems just like any other man his age.

He spends time with his grandkids. Walks his dog. Reads his favorite books.
But take a closer look, and you'll notice something very very different.
Just before his 80th birthday, almost out of thin air, Burt...
* Taught himself how to paint, and got his artwork featured in museums all across  the world.
* Took up photography, and invented a new technique known as 'Mirage Photography'.
* Wrote not one, but multiple novels - including his very first Western.
* Started a successful online business that now has a community of over 100,000 members.
Again I repeat - he did all this JUST before his 80th birthday. How is this possible? How did a man that age accomplish things most of us and our entire lives chasing?
The answer lies in Burt's very own adaptation of Napoleon Hill's Invisible Counselor technique, which he calls...
Quantum Jumping. Quantum Jumping, according to Burt, is an advanced visualization technique that allows you to use your mind to 'jump' into alternate universes...
And meet alternate versions of yourself, who are ready and waiting to give you
all the knowledge, skills and inspiration you need to become ANYONE and
accomplish ANYTHING you want in life.
The novelist you. The inventor you. The philanthropist you. The wealthy you.
If Quantum Jumping works, all the wisdom and skills in the universe could be yours for the taking. Interesting concept, don't you think?
Not too long ago, Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of the personal growth blog FinerMinds, took a trip to Burt's home in Rancho Mirage, California. When he got there, he got his video camera rolling, interviewed Burt, and for the first time ever recorded footage of Burt's home gallery of paintings and photographs - all which he made with the help of Quantum Jumping.

Meet Burt Goldman, The 84 Year Old Artist, Painter and Entrepreneur Behind Quantum Jumping>> See the footage for yourself.

posted on May 25, 2011 8:04 AM ()


The world keeps opening like a flower, blooming with possibilities!
comment by marta on May 29, 2011 4:59 AM ()
Some flower bushes live to be in their hundreds, so let us continue to grow
The world’s largest rose-bush is located in Tombstone, Arizona. It is almost two hundred years old and is adorned with more than two hundred thousand white blooms when in full bloom. Its trunk is nearly six feet in diameter, and its branches form a canopy large enough to shelter a crowd of 150 people. (The Rose, by Madison Mallone, Andrews and McMeel, a Universal Press Syndicate Company, Kansas City, MO, pgs. 115-116).
reply by anacoana on May 29, 2011 6:56 AM ()
Now I'm feeling bad. Here I've been thinking about winding down as I approach 70, but this pauses me to reflect and reconsider!
comment by solitaire on May 26, 2011 6:31 AM ()
Me too, I was especially going in that direction when in Jan. I was inundated with stuff from Medicare...had me believing I was OLD.
Here's to rethinking what else we have to share and learn. Enjoy this day in a creative way
reply by anacoana on May 26, 2011 8:03 AM ()
'How did a man that age '--like most people you have a distorted view of someone 80--just a few examples--Angela Lansbury is still doing Broadway shows--8 performances a week--do I have to mention Betty White? I live with 80-90 year olds--come on and see if YOU can keep up with them!
comment by greatmartin on May 25, 2011 12:21 PM ()
This morning my inspiration was "We're not getting older, we are getting better" and so I came upon just a few amazing folks doing things in their 70's and 80's.
reply by anacoana on May 25, 2011 12:52 PM ()
you mean that I still have a chance to become something?
comment by fredo on May 25, 2011 11:20 AM ()
You already are 'something' my friend!
reply by greatmartin on May 25, 2011 3:24 PM ()
Yes sir that' exactly what we are saying.
reply by anacoana on May 25, 2011 12:52 PM ()

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