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Close Encounters of the Evil Kind
Close Encounters of the Evil Kind
After dropping off my grandsons at their house I stopped in at Safeway for a few necessities. While standing in the express line up I happened to see Port Alberni's foulest biotch duck walk into the line up nearby. I stared for a few seconds to confirm it truly was her as I haven't seen her in a very long time. While I paid for my groceries I caught her staring at me, out of the corner of my eye. I averted my gaze, as bile rises in my throat every time I see this evil cow. This "woman" tried her best to destroy my family and ruin my husband's reputation. She did not succeed! With my groceries bagged, I quickly left the store, grateful it was only a close call and we hadn't, literally, bumped into each other. Here's to, at least, another ten years before I lay eyes on that sow again.
posted on Feb 24, 2011 3:48 PM ()
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Just kidding. The best revenge is living your life well and I am sure you have her beat all to h-e-double L on that one.