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Life & Events > Do Not Call / Red Dot

Do Not Call / Red Dot

I don't know if any other countries have these but I love them.

On September 30, 2008 the Canadian government instituted a program called the Do Not Call List. All we have to do is phone 1-866-580-3625 or go on line to and register our phone numbers. No names or addresses, just you phone numbers. These phone numbers are added to a list that telemarketers must acquire for themselves. If your phone number is on the list telemarketers are not allowed to call you. If they do, the company they work for will be fined. Companies you have dealings with and charities are exempt. There were so many people trying to register there numbers that I couldn't get through for three days. I had forgotten all about it until yesterday when I answered the phone to our bank and she tried to sell me insurance. I'm pretty sure that's the first nuisance call I've had all month.

The Red Dot Campaign cuts down on junk mail. I taped a big red dot to the inside of my mailbox lid and the mailman will not deliver any mail that is not specifically addressed to us. He screwed it up the first day but I left those three pieces of junk mail in the box and he collected them the next time he delivered to us. I haven't seen any junk mail since then.

posted on Oct 31, 2008 2:01 PM ()


I must confess. I thought your title referred to something about how big companies have outsourced their tech support to India. Honestly. I despise trying to solve a computer problem with someone I can barely understand. I usually keep asking to speak to their superior until I get someone who speaks intelligible English. Congrats on your No Call list. I wish Mexico would do something like that.
comment by jerms on Nov 2, 2008 7:47 AM ()
Love that.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 2, 2008 2:17 AM ()
I registered for the do not call list online. It gives you more options. I've already been asking to be put on the do not call list of everyone that calls (including my own bank with those annoying "offers".) I like the idea of the red dot, but I don't want to miss the fliers from Superstore since I shop there every week. Being out of the city, I don't get much junk mail anyway.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Nov 1, 2008 9:55 AM ()
Our postal service claims a large part of their revenue comes from junk mail and although we can write to various places and ask to be taken off mailing lists, it doesn't always work. So it would be against their interest to come up with something that made as much sense as the Red Dot program. Besides, our political parties have been sending everyone two to three or more pieces of junk mail EVERY DAY for the past several weeks. It all ends up in the trash can at the post office. I read an article that it costs them about $.75 per piece of mail to print and send those out. I know people on this blog have said how the political parties spend their money is their own business (in the context of it's okay to pay Sarah Palin's makeup person $11,000 a week for the first two weeks of October), but why can't they use some of that to help people pay their heating bills or gas up the car to get to work? If someone did that for you, wouldn't you at least consider voting for them?

Our Do Not Call would be great except our greedy, self-serving politicians exempted non-profits and political campaigns from it, so this time of year we get all these robo-calls promoting various candidates and amendments on the ballot. The other exception is companies that claim to have a previous relationship - such as companies remotely affiliated with our credit cards calling to sell us magazine subscriptions. But other than that, it's great.

Sorry for the rant.
comment by troutbend on Oct 31, 2008 3:29 PM ()
That red dot thing would be nice to have here.
comment by stiva on Oct 31, 2008 2:31 PM ()
we have it here.Been around for sometime.
your finally getting caught up.
comment by fredo on Oct 31, 2008 2:07 PM ()

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