I sold my fingerless gloves at the Craft Market today. No, not a pair that was on my craft table. MY gloves. The ones I had brought with me in case my hands got cold. Yes, I did tell her they were MY gloves but she wanted them anyway.
posted on Sept 17, 2017 11:47 PM ()
Those are pretty, no wonder. They'd be so good for computer users too. I started wearing a cut-off piece of knitted cuff from a sweater on my right wrist, to pad the heel of my hand where it leans on the table during work. A silicone cushion was too big and got in the way.
I can see why she wanted them, very nice colors and pattern. If you've got something in inventory that you want to move, try wearing it and everyone will want it.
Go home and knit up a big supply of them because they must be great sellers if she removed them from your body.