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I'm Baaaack ... Part Three
I'm Baaaack ... Part Three
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I met Old Sister in the lobby at 10:00 AM. We hadn't seen each other since our father's ash spreading ceremony a year and a half ago. Our only contact, a few emailed thanks for birthday and Christmas gifts. We rode the Sky Train (dotted blue line on map) to Waterfront Station and hopped a bus straight down Granville Street to Granville Island (lower left corner on map)

Granville Island is home to a huge indoor public market and dozens of shops and restaurants.

There were numerous, wonderful, albeit expensive craft shops. Two of the stores had looms and spinning wheels on the premises where they made and sold their wares. I made purchases at three different shops and spent approximately $100.00 on these:

We stopped for a delicious lunch at Sandbar, a seafood restaurant under the Granville Street Bridge. A very busy waitress obliged us by taking our photo.

After lunch we checked out a few more shops and caught a mini ferry which took us down False Creek to Old Sister's apartment.
There we met up with her DH and he drove us back to my hotel where we said our goodbyes. My DH was waiting for me in our room and we headed over to Earl's for supper. My bacon cheddar burger was the best meal I'd had since we left home but DH's salmon was loaded with pepper. There was so much pepper on his plate, he couldn't finish his meal.
On the walk back to our hotel we passed a Pennington's (ladies apparel). I found two green shirts and couldn't decide which I liked the best so I asked DH for his opinion. He couldn't decide either so he bought both for me. Now, if only he'd give me the nod for the $135.00 cute pair of shoes I've had my eye on....
Back in our room, I watched Shrek while DH read the newspaper, then we went to bed. We'll be home, in our own bed, tomorrow night.
posted on Nov 23, 2008 2:30 AM ()
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