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I'm trying so hard to keep an open mind with regards to my new doctor. My first impression wasn't great. He seemed harried and rushed and he has a heavy accent. On Friday I tried to call for an appointment for my yearly check up. The first attempt was at 9:25 and I heard a recorded message telling me his office hours were Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 11:30, 1:00 to 4:00. Well, no wonder it takes forever to get an appointment. He's only in his office for five hours a day. I don't know if he has hospital privileges. If so, that might explain the short work day. I kept calling but it was busy; beep...beep...beep... At 10:10 the phone was answered and hope danced a little jig until I realized it was just a different recorded message saying the office was closed for the day and to call back on Monday. Monday I forgot to call but today, at 10:30 I managed to get through to his real, live receptionist who promptly put me on hold. When she came back she asked if June 10th was good for me and before I could say anything I was back on hold. When she returned I let her know that date was fine with me and that I'll need another appointment for a prescription renewal. May 6th is the date she suggested. That's over two weeks from now. If anything serious should happen I won't bother trying to get an appointment with my new doctor. I'll just head straight over to the hospital's emergency department.
Speaking of appointments, I had a dental checkup this morning and was told three times by the hygienist and the dentist that I have very nice dental hygiene.

Look Ma! No cavities.
posted on Apr 19, 2011 8:38 PM ()
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