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Health & Fitness > Appointments


I'm trying so hard to keep an open mind with regards to my new doctor. My first impression wasn't great. He seemed harried and rushed and he has a heavy accent. On Friday I tried to call for an appointment for my yearly check up. The first attempt was at 9:25 and I heard a recorded message telling me his office hours were Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 11:30, 1:00 to 4:00. Well, no wonder it takes forever to get an appointment. He's only in his office for five hours a day. I don't know if he has hospital privileges. If so, that might explain the short work day. I kept calling but it was busy; beep...beep...beep... At 10:10 the phone was answered and hope danced a little jig until I realized it was just a different recorded message saying the office was closed for the day and to call back on Monday. Monday I forgot to call but today, at 10:30 I managed to get through to his real, live receptionist who promptly put me on hold. When she came back she asked if June 10th was good for me and before I could say anything I was back on hold. When she returned I let her know that date was fine with me and that I'll need another appointment for a prescription renewal. May 6th is the date she suggested. That's over two weeks from now. If anything serious should happen I won't bother trying to get an appointment with my new doctor. I'll just head straight over to the hospital's emergency department.

Speaking of appointments, I had a dental checkup this morning and was told three times by the hygienist and the dentist that I have very nice dental hygiene.

Look Ma! No cavities.

posted on Apr 19, 2011 8:38 PM ()


While you are waiting on line for this fellow, you could get on the waiting list for one of the better doctprs. and switch when you finally get an appointment with a guy you want more.
comment by tealstar on Apr 22, 2011 10:49 AM ()
I tried to find a new doctor before my old one retired and all the good doctors aren't taking any new patients. In fact, you can't even get on their waiting list unless you're new in town. The only doctors who are accepting new patients are the crud of the crop, the scum at the bottom of the barrel.
reply by nittineedles on Apr 22, 2011 10:53 AM ()
I hope you have good luck.
comment by elderjane on Apr 21, 2011 11:55 AM ()
Me too.
reply by nittineedles on Apr 21, 2011 12:00 PM ()
If you need to see a specialist it takes months for an appointment, and by the time you see them the complaint has already cleared up, so if your not feeling well make an appointment with a specialist, and in not time at all you will feel great. It's getting that way with the GPs too.
comment by maryc on Apr 20, 2011 3:41 PM ()
Funny, I don't mind waiting months for a dental appointment.
reply by nittineedles on Apr 20, 2011 4:09 PM ()
Not good. I've been lucky with my small town doctor.
comment by solitaire on Apr 20, 2011 7:29 AM ()
I've noticed that the smaller the town, the better the doctors. If my new doctor is a good one it will make up for the hassle of getting appointments.
reply by nittineedles on Apr 20, 2011 10:47 AM ()
Oh dear, I'd be hunting for a new doctor.... I would not put up with that.

Just a suggestion: Do you know any doctors you really admire? Not really friends, but ones with a great reputation, in any specialty? Maybe you're acquainted with them from church or a club or group. Here is what I did when I needed a new primary care doctor. I took a brief survey. I asked a number of docs I admired who were listed in my health plan a simple question -- none were my docs/most were specialists I've never needed, all with great reputations -- Who is your primary care doctor? I think I asked 8 different doctors. The same name came up four times. That's the guy I called. He's been my doctor for 20 years now, and he is a total class act. Again, just a suggestion....
comment by marta on Apr 20, 2011 3:25 AM ()
I tried to find a new doctor before my old one retired and all the good doctors aren't taking any new patients. In fact, you can't even get on their waiting list unless you're new in town. The only doctors who are accepting new patients are the crud of the crop, the scum at the bottom of the barrel.
reply by nittineedles on Apr 20, 2011 10:44 AM ()

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