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Started out nice. DH took me out to Smitty's Pancake House for breakfast and it isn't even my birthday. On the way home we stopped at Safeway for some groceries and then he spent the afternoon napping and reading and I knit in the cool basement. We skipped lunch due to overindulging at breafast, had a small snack mid-afternoon and a salad of lettuce, tomatoe, carrots, green onions and cottage cheese for dinner. Looks like today is going to end nice too.
It's been so hot here lately. It's after 6:00 PM but it's 35C/95 F. Tomorrow and Tuesday it's supposed to be 34C/93 F, Wednesday 27C/80 F and Thursday 22C/72 F. I'm so glad it's going to cool off for Thursday. I'm expecting company and I had visions of us all wilting in our seats with no energy to chat. If the weatherman isn't just teasing me we can sit out on the deck with our iced teas.
posted on Aug 15, 2010 6:40 PM ()
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