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What Did I Do on My Summer Vacation?
What Did I Do on My Summer Vacation?
You are going to have to wait until I get home so I can post all the pictures that go with the text. I cleared a whole media card and I'm trying to remember to take pictures everywhere we go but I often forget I'm holding a camera in my hand.
i HAD AN XRAY OF MY THUMB TAKEN ON mONDAY but deidn't get a call from the doctor so I'm hoping no news is good news. The thumb still hurts. I bought a bottle of 100 Aleve pain killers but they're not working at all. Tylenol works better on me. DH is beginning to relax. The first few deays he had an uoset stomach and sore back but those seem to have dissapeared and he's more animated than I've seen in a while. Unfortunately it's ba short vacation this year. We will be heading home on Monday and DH is back to work on Wednesday.
Well, enough of this. Either I need to file my nails or DH needs bigger keys on his lap top AND the spell checker isn't working. By the way, we're in Victoria, BC. It's pouring rain and I hve a headach from the cider I drank at dinner and heartburn from the burger or maybe it was the cheesecake.
posted on Sept 17, 2010 10:51 PM ()
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