
Life & Events > Olympic Games Boycott

Olympic Games Boycott

I am boycotting the Olympic Games in China. I will not watch any part of it, not even the wrestling, in which a local lad, Travis Cross, is competing for the gold. The reason I will not watch is because it is taking place in China. Part of the reason is because of how the Chinese government steps on and grinds into the dirt anyone who doesn't nod and agree with everything they say and do but I won't be talking politics here. I'm boycotting the Olympics because of the crap that pours out of that country and ends up on store shelves of this country. Last year, August 28, I gave up on the shoddy merchandise in Walmart and Zellers and purchased my Panasonic VCR/DVD Player/Recorder from a well respected, local, electronics store, Barlow's Audio-Video Unlimited. I think the unit is OK as it has a one year warranty so, I'm assuming it's the remote control that is only warranted for 90 days that is toast. I'm going to take some deep breaths and head over there to see what can be done. Hopefully, at the very worst I can pay for a replacement remote control with the same functions as the original. If you think I'm just being lazy wanting a rc I need to tell you that without it I can not set the machine to record anything. All I can do is play pre-recorded tapes and DVDs. I didn't pay $400.00 just to end up with a VCR/DVD player. Taking deep breathes now.

posted on Aug 11, 2008 1:42 PM ()


Well, I watched every minute I could. I don't like a lot about what China does and how they operate either, but I wasn't going to let them deny me from watching the talents and achievements of people who practice and work so hard, many of them representing nations that might set an example for China...or from other "questionable" nations who also need to be more exposed to people and ideas other than those of their homelands. Also, it's not the people of China so much, it's the government, and even if there are commercial gains and political prides for those in power and with influence, the people of China deserve some fun in life, a big deal in their world, and to share and show off what they have in life that makes them proud...after all, good or bad, it is their home. I am all for boycotting Chinese-made goods until all things related are up to standard, I am all for boycotting a lot of things, but friendly persuasion wouldn't hurt, either...and values of some impressed on others just might start the ball rolling. That's how people learn and can often start making some changes. I don't think my not watching the victories of Michael Phelps would be fair to him or me...or to all the other athletes and nations who worked so hard for athletic reasons, not political or commercial ones. The differences are with China, not with the Olympics or the Olympians.

Please be sure to know that I am not judging you or criticising you, for I believe that you are strong in your position and exercised your right to take a stand. I admire the conviction and I respect that you would want others to know that there are negative feelings about the Olympics in China and what they are. I'm just saying that I agree with the opinions about the faults, but I see where another option regarding "action taken" is the one I prefer. Either way, we both wish for changes and improvements in China because there is a lot wrong over there.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 9, 2008 3:01 PM ()
I'm not watching them either, but not for any good reason like you have, just have other things to do.
comment by troutbend on Aug 11, 2008 9:22 PM ()
Well, I think it's too late for me because I already have watched some of the Olympics... You're lucky I didn't put on the Olympics widget that I almost did put on my site. I also installed Silverlight in order to see the swimming competition... well, I guess I'm doomed. I also go to Walmart for certain products. I wonder if Kleenex and paper towels are made in China? I guess I should examine the packages, but I never seem to. Well... About the remote. It's probably all right. Our remotes have always lasted as long as any TV we've had.
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 4:13 PM ()
First I bought two flat tv screen at Wal Mart
They are not shoddy to me.Loved them.
They treat me well.You do not think that people are going
to boycott this.Comon get real.This is in our blood.
Sorry,that you are having so much problems there and hope that
you can work this out.Guess we are the lucky one here.
I am very happy with my merchantdise.Shoddy I do not think so.
The boys here are wonderful.Treat us well.
comment by fredo on Aug 11, 2008 2:17 PM ()
it really is just a crazy thing they're doing
comment by firststarisee on Aug 11, 2008 2:15 PM ()
There was a spot on a news show (might have been Nightly News) about a woman who tried to avoid all Chinese products for a year, even if her kid was screaming for it in a store. She finally gave up, concluding that it was impossible! Anyway, China has come a long way in 50 years, and with a fifth of the world's population, they have to be taken seriously! Good luck with the remote!
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 11, 2008 2:10 PM ()

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