Oh what a beautiful day... This morning dawned sunny and warm with a predicted high of 21C (69.8F). June is going down in the record books as the coldest in a very long time. But today is the warmest we've had all year so I'm not complaining. I have dressed in my summer finery as the rain is coming back tomorrow and there is no end in sight to the soggy days.
We had a wonderful visit with our son. He was on a business jaunt to Calgary and instead of partaking in the leisure activities, afterwards, chose to fly here to see us, his sisters and their families.
We snapped a few last pictures before taking him back to Comox for his flight home to Halifax. I'm still tweeking and resizing the photos but will probably have them ready to post tomorrow.
posted on June 20, 2012 10:16 AM ()
Awww! Handsome baby.
You two look so very much alike.
You must have enjoyed his visit immensely! Does he get go visit often?
What a lovely photo of the two of you, so glad to hear he was able to come visit and see what's going on at the old home front.