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Travel > Mon Sept 20/10

Mon Sept 20/10

I woke up with just a mild headache and a bit of a queasy stomach but it wasn't bad enough to deter me from the B & B's delicious breakfast. I took my knitting out to the lounge in hopes the gas fire wasn't on and noticed the dining room was empty so I made a beeline for the most coveted table, set in by the front bay window; perfect for people watching. When I sat down I realized I was even more fortunate as the window was open to a lovely breeze. After another scrumptious breakfast we packed up, checked out and went in search of one of two yarn shops listed in the yellow pages. The shop was wonderful. All brands of wool in all colours and sizes. I think I spent an hour in there fondling the merchandise. I think DH wandered out and went somewhere else. Not sure.

After all that time I'm sure the sales lady was disappointed that all I bought were these two orphaned balls from her Sale Basket.
We then proceeded on to the next yarn shop but discovered a Dollar Store at that address and so we began the drive home.
We were meandering off the highway around Duncan and came across a sign that said, "Neel Creek Alpaca Ranch Visitors Welcome". DH read my mind and turned onto the dusty road. We parked at the ranch house and our knock was answered by a lady who seemed anxious to get back to whatever she was doing. She told us Ernie was down with the alpacas and would show us around.

We found Ernie, the ranch hand, and he gave us a quick tour and answered our questions about the alpacas. He told us the lady of the house was recovering from an illness and her husband was at a dental appointment so the gift shop was closed. I saw bags and bags of fleece stacked on shelves and enquired about the price but Ernie didn't know what anything cost. DH suggested I go talk to the lady but I didn't want to disturb her again so we left fibreless.
It was getting close to dinner time as we approached Port Alberni and I told DH he had a choice. He could take me out for one last, nice dinner or I could heat up a can of beans at home. The can of beans is still in the pantry. Thus ended our 2010 vacation.

posted on Sept 26, 2010 11:19 PM ()


Too bad you were sick during part of your vacation. I hate it when that happens. I imagine that you know all the knitting shops on Vancouver Island by now. Did you know there are alpacas and llamas on our island as well? Apparently they are also used to protect the sheep. I've been to the Sea Cidery as well for their sample tasting because I love cider and its one of the few alcohol beverages that I can drink without getting a headache. My favourites are the dry varieties. There is another cidery just south of Duncan that I've been to but not recently. Sounds like you found a very nice B&B in Sidney with great breakfasts.
comment by islander on Oct 4, 2010 9:52 AM ()
Are you referring to Merridale Estate Cidery? I love that stuff.
reply by nittineedles on Oct 4, 2010 12:56 PM ()
DH is so sweet about your yarn hunting. Ed is getting better in making detours to please me. But he still mutters from time to time.
comment by tealstar on Sept 27, 2010 6:35 AM ()
He's a dear.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 27, 2010 10:38 AM ()
Despite illness you seemed to have a wonderful time and DH is such a wonderful fiber husband if I try and take Adrian anywhere near a yarn shop he seems to become highly allergic to yarn
comment by janeway4eva on Sept 27, 2010 2:38 AM ()
It's not too bad during the day. Seems to come on in the evening.
Weeeeell.....he did keep reminding me that I'd been to this yarn shop that makes a difference.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 27, 2010 10:36 AM ()

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