
Life & Events > Hypnos, Take Me Away

Hypnos, Take Me Away

God, I am sooo tired. I had The Three Year Old AND The Five Year Old this afternoon. The younger played contentedly with toys on the floor and the elder came with the flu and napped in the guest room. Keep your fingers crossed that he wasn't too contagious. I sat in my chair and tried to knit but I kept nodding off. The Three Year Old thought I was playing a game with him and every time he saw me with my head down and my eyes closed he run at me, screaming like a banshee and poke at my arm, which I'm sure will be black and blue tomorrow. I didn't tell him to stop because I thought he made a dandy alarm clock. The reason I'm so exhausted is because instead of having a proper sleep last night I had two hour nap. The rest of the night I was tossing and turning to the sounds I hate to hear at any time, let alone when I'm trying to get some shut eye. First I noticed the mill letting off steam. Then it was DH's gentle snoring, then the bloody helicopter that I was so sure was about to land/crash on our roof (there otta be a law), I had just dozed off when the big rig engine started up. I waited for him to drive away.....for 17 friggin' minutes and THAT is when I got up and started my nocturnal knitting. Anyway, I've taken my evening pills, Tylenol ( for the run I went for before the boys came over) and most importantly my melatonin. With that I bid you all a Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

posted on Feb 25, 2008 11:43 PM ()


Your stories of these two little ones are precious. I loved how you said that as soon as you nodded off, he would run at you and poke you. He sounds so cute. I'm sorry you had a hard time getting to sleep that night. I hope you are resting better now.
comment by hopefields on Feb 27, 2008 12:56 AM ()
I won't put up with tossing and turning for more than an hour. Then I go knit.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 26, 2008 1:53 PM ()
I hate all that tossing and turning. It happened to me Sunday night! It was bad!
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 26, 2008 1:25 PM ()
Kenna took care of Grandson when he was really sick with influenza and didn't take it, so hopefully you won't either. I hate trying to babysit when I haven't had enough sleep. It is so hard to stay awake...But sounds as though three-year-old did a good job of keeping you alert. Here's hoping you got a good night's sleep last night.
comment by redimpala on Feb 26, 2008 1:10 PM ()
Marg,keep the hands clean and no shaking hands or hug.
Nothing even kissing if you want to stay germ free.
Washed the hands.
comment by fredo on Feb 26, 2008 9:52 AM ()

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