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Entertainment > Crazy Survey from Carryon

Crazy Survey from Carryon

This is for your entire life.

(X) Gone on a blind date

(X) Skipped school

(X) Watched someone die

(X) Had your heart broken

(X) Been to Canada Duh.

(X) Been to Europe

() Been to Asia

() Been to Mexico

() Been to Florida

(X) Been on a plane

( ) Been on a cruise

(X) Been lost LOL Every time I leave my little town.

() Been on the opposite side of the country Can check this one off this summer.

() Gone to Washington, DC

(X) Swam in the Pacific Ocean

(X) Swam in the Atlantic Ocean

() Swam in the Gulf of Mexico

() Seen Mt Rainier (Washington state)

() Sang Karaoke

(X) Paid for a meal with coins only?

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't

(X) Made prank phone calls

(X) Laughed until your face hurt - belly too

(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue

(X) Danced your heart out

(X) Wrote a letter to Santa Claus

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe

(X) Watched the sunrise with someone

(X) Blown bubbles

(X) Gone ice-skating

(X) Been skinny dipping outdoors

( ) Gone to a movie alone

(X) Sat outside in the rain

(X) Lived one of your dreams

1. Any nickname – Margie, Maggie Muggins

2. Mother's name? Mary

3. Favorite drink? Water
Favourite alcoholic drink? Bailey's Irish Cream

4. Any tattoos? No

5. Body Piercing? One in each ear

6. What animal would you be if you could choose one? Hawk

7. Birthplace? Montreal, Quebec

8. Favorite vacation spot? Anyplace with woolen mills and/or yarn shops

9. Ever been to Africa? No

10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? Probably, when I was in my teens

11. Ever been on TV? Yes. Local cable channel

12 Ever steal any traffic signs? Never

13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes

14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? Four door

15. Favorite brand of body wash? Dove

16. Favorite TV show? Lost

17. Favorite number? Four

18. Favorite movie? Stargate

19. Favorite holiday? Christmas

20. Favorite dessert? Ice cream

21. Favorite food? Sandwiches

22. Favorite day of the week? Monday

23. Name something/someone you love? Knitting/DH

24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest Citrus Splash

25. Favorite smell? Roses/Baking bread

26. How do you relax? Knit

27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Wrinkled

posted on Jan 5, 2009 11:38 AM ()


You are in a rare bunch of people who like Mondays...most people dread that day. I can't help but be curious as to why it's your favorite day.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 8, 2009 10:03 AM ()
Marg, this is one of the rare times that I am able to access your blog. Goofy isn't it?
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2009 5:37 AM ()
I love your answer for 27.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 5, 2009 10:31 PM ()
Hi Maggie Muggins. The last time I did one of these surveys, I shocked everyone with my answer. Guess I was too too honest. I'll just skip this one.
comment by anniel on Jan 5, 2009 12:15 PM ()

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