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Business > Canada Post

Canada Post

I really dislike Canada Post and resent having to use their services but all the alternatives cost even more. I'm sending a pair of knitted slippers to Ontario and Canada Post will charge me $14.32. If I were to send the exact same parcel halfway 'round the world, to Spain, they would charge me $8.95. So, why am I paying less to mail something to another country? Wouldn't you think it would cost more?

Another reason I dislike Canada Post is because their website is not user friendly. It's convoluted and awkward to use.

Finally, I just found out about a Canada Post program that allows small businesses to save on shipping. When I registered I discoved I can save a *average* of 5%. This means I can reduce the $14.32 postage to $13.60. A whopping savings of 72 cents.
When I registered I received a welcome to the program message that stated, "We have sent your virtual VentureOne card to your email address. Your card has been activated and is ready to be used." However, the message that came with the virtual card states, " Please allow 24 hours for your new virtual card to be activated at your local post office while your permanent card is being processed. Please allow 10 to 14 days for delivery of your new card." So, I can't use my virtual card until tomorrow and what's with the 10 to 14 days(business days)? It's the post office for God's sake. Ya, I really dislike Canada Post.

posted on Nov 18, 2011 12:39 PM ()


Ed won't use electronic auto payment of bills, doesn't trust the internet. I still write out checks and mail them at the p.o. My concession to the modern world is I don't put bills in my mailbox with the flag up for pick-up but take them to the p.o. and drop them in their slot so as to avoid possible i.d. theft. Have to confess, I too am spooked by the possibility of misuse of my financial info on line. I only use one credit card for on line buys. If something goes wrong, I know just what to cancel.
comment by tealstar on Nov 19, 2011 9:24 PM ()
You've reminded me - Christmas cards!
comment by troutbend on Nov 19, 2011 6:40 PM ()
Last year I knitted little tiny mittens to attach to blank cards I printed with a message for Christmas cards. I half thought about trying to make matching little tiny hats for this year's cards, but didn't get around to it.
reply by troutbend on Nov 19, 2011 6:43 PM ()
The price difference is just stupid.
comment by crazylife on Nov 18, 2011 7:09 PM ()
My father was a postal worker and retired as one.The post office is having major issues with everyone paying and recieving mail on line.The price of stamps won't help except the few that still mail it with stamps or in person.
comment by dogsalot on Nov 18, 2011 1:31 PM ()
I still mail out Christmas cards and birthday gifts to family in Nova Scotia but if I could find a seagull headed in that direction....
reply by nittineedles on Nov 18, 2011 1:44 PM ()
Seems like the Internet and email are killing all the postal services. In the US they are talking about discontinuing Saturday delivery and closing 3700 local post offices. Between email and online bill pay, well, times have changed.
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 18, 2011 12:58 PM ()
Saturday delivery??? I don't think we ever had Saturday delivery.
I suppose I should be grateful for the Small Packet option for international mailing. Maybe I shouldn't allow Canadians to buy from my Etsy Shop.
reply by nittineedles on Nov 18, 2011 1:40 PM ()

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