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I'm Bushed
I'm Bushed
DH flew off to Vancouver (without me) this morning to give a speech to a group of clients. I got to stay home and vacuum, steam clean and Scotch Guard the carpets. Ya me! I only did the upstairs so I get to live in the basement for the rest of the day. I've got my hot pot, instant coffee, sheep mug and spoon. I brought down a couple of sandwiches, cookies, a banana and a box of mandarin oranges. The computer, TV, gas fireplace and my knitting already live down here. What more could a girl want? It's snowing outside and bloody cold so I figure I'm housebound for the next week or so. It's just as well, as I have all my Christmas baking to do. If someone wouldn't mind sending that MyBloggersville Fruitcake this way I could scratch that off my Baking To Do List.
posted on Dec 12, 2008 1:31 PM ()
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