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Achy Breaky Body
Achy Breaky Body
There was no fog today. Morning dawned clear and sunny. DH and I had set up the sun shade and outdoor furniture on the deck last night and I took full advantage of it this morning; knitting and drinking coffee outside.

I was throughly enjoying myself until the new neighbour's four+ Shelties started yapping, someone the next street over started up what sounded like a tractor and the recycling place started loading a dumpster of cardboard with a construction shovel. At this point I decided it was time to go for my walk at the track. I left the house at 10:00 as I didn't want to be out in the mid-day sun. The UV levels are pretty high and I have enough skin problems without adding sunburn to them. I took a shortcut, uphill all the way, and by the time I reached the track my heart rate was in the zone. Walking out of doors is so much more interesting then using the treadmill in the basement. In the basement there are no shirtless men striding past me, no jewelry adorned East Indian ladies in their beautiful, flowing garments and no friendly people I can smile and nod good morning to. The day before yesterday, as I walked the track, I could hear someone closing in on me from behind. She was grunting, moaning and groaning so bad I thought for sure she was having a heart attack. As she passed me, at a pretty good clip, I noticed the black wire snaking from her chest pocket to her ear and realized she was singing along to the music on her MP3 player. Poor thing. I'll bet she had no idea everyone could hear her. Anyway, I did my six laps and headed for home at a snail's pace. DD#2, outside the day care with her charges, saw me stumbling past, waved and hollered, "HI MOM!" I raised my hand and waved back but just couldn't muster the energy to holler hi. By the time I got home my thighs hurt, I was so swollen my usually long, slender fingers looked like sausages, my back was and still is aching something fierce and I had acquired a headache. I think I did too much this week and I can't wait until next week to do it all over again.
posted on May 16, 2008 12:45 PM ()
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