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Health & Fitness > Rituals


Let's try again. I just wrote a lengthy blog, hit "post", then my computer froze! Nothing. AAAARRRGGGGH!!

This is a follow-up, of sorts, to my previous post. I heard a promo for Oprah on how to live longer. That got my attention, so I watched her show yesterday.

Dr. Oz and David somebody were featuring 4 "blue zones" where people seem to have the secrets to longevity. Most are the standard reasons--eating the right foods, and staying fit and active.

I was pleased to note I was doing alright in these areas. I did my exercises, slept my 8 hours, ate properly. I felt smug recapping my meals yesterday: blueberries, pear, yogurt, tomato w/ cottage cheese, sardines for lunch. Wine before supper (big in Sardinia, Italy, a blue zone), a stir fry in olive oil with sweet potato, cabbage, parsnip, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, corn, garlic, chard, all from my garden. Homemade pumpkin bread later for dessert. Yum.

Some place in Costa Rica claimed it was the water with its high mineral content, that was the reason for a long life. Good. My well water is very "hard". Maybe I should forgo my water softener.

One semi-surprise was blue zone Loma Linda, CA. This is a retirement community with a high proportion of Seventh Day Adventists. Socialization and no "vices" results in a longer life. I fail there, living alone and not being "religious". Rituals are important for these retired folks. I'm pretty good at that.

Of course, one doesn't have to live in any "blue zone" to get the benefits. One just has to have a routine and a will power to stick to the plan. I follow a 8-8-8 plan: 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of sitting (reading, TV, eating, etc.), 8 hours of being on my feet (chores, hobbies, exercise). Seems to work for me.

Yesterday or today in most schools, the lunch time meal is turkey and all the fixin's. I remember students and staff stuffing themselves with no remorse. I could never understand how they could do that. It would take away the anticipation of the real Thanksgiving. I can just hear mothers and grandmothers (fathers, too) cringe upon hearing "We had turkey yesterday at school".
I'm eagerly looking forward to eating my favorite meal of the year at my sisters with my father tomorrow.
Happy thanksgiving, everybody!

posted on Nov 26, 2008 8:01 AM ()


Your cooking does sound sooo delicious!
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 29, 2008 7:22 AM ()
Nope, we don't get the day off up here. Although, the company I used to work for does most of their business in the US, so some people take the day off, while those who go in to work have a big potluck lunch to celebrate.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 28, 2008 6:24 PM ()
From the sound of it, you'll live to be over 100 and get a letter from the president. I, on the other hand, will probably make it to 40... if I'm lucky! Your meals are not only healthy, but extremely tasty sounding! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving... with your favorite food!
comment by sunlight on Nov 28, 2008 11:56 AM ()
"I just wrote a lengthy blog, hit "post", then my computer froze! Nothing. AAAARRRGGGGH!!" You could write your posts in Word or on Notepad, save, then copy and paste into the "new article" window here. I and many others have written articles only to lose them when the computer crashes. Then someone suggested the copy and paste idea and it works (when I remember to use it. )
comment by catdancer on Nov 28, 2008 11:51 AM ()
Hmmm, maybe that's why our school cafeteria does the turkey and dressing meal a week early. Never thought of that!
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 27, 2008 11:14 AM ()
Your stir fry sounds delicious! Have a great Thanksgiving.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 27, 2008 10:19 AM ()
I like what you wrote....
"I follow a 8-8-8 plan: 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of sitting (reading, TV, eating, etc.), 8 hours of being on my feet (chores, hobbies, exercise). Seems to work for me."
Makes good sense and seems more in balance.
Hey how did you know I put on a few lbs. since 2 of my neighbors have passed away. They were my "exercise" walking/helping them.
I did just receive my art supplies..so time will fly now!
Enjoy these 8 hours.
comment by anacoana on Nov 27, 2008 8:47 AM ()
I like the sound of your veggie dish. You can come and cook for me! Meanwhile, it eases my mind that 7th Day Adv. are vegetarians because I am convinced that non-stop praying fries your brain and interferes with your intestines leading to flatulence that can get you killed. It says here.
comment by tealstar on Nov 26, 2008 2:56 PM ()
Wow! Your 888 plan will keep you at least to 100 y/o!!! Let's see, it'll be 2043 when you reach the centenary status! 35 more years of 888 - you'll eventually be interviewed by Barbara Walters who is determined to live to 150 y/o! Happy Tofurkey day to you!
comment by november on Nov 26, 2008 12:36 PM ()
Eight hours on your feet is pretty good. You have a good balance. Harder with a desk job.
comment by stiva on Nov 26, 2008 11:14 AM ()
Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarians, so that might be why they live longer. They have a boarding school in a town near here and a grocery store selling meatless entrees to the public, important back in the days before you could find Boca Burgers at the supermarket. A couple of the major hospitals in the Denver area also serve meatless entrees on a routine basis.
comment by troutbend on Nov 26, 2008 10:38 AM ()
Happy Healthy and most of all Thankful Day to you and your love ones.

I saw the show also, loved that lady, what 104 years old lifting weights.I got out my 5 lb. weights and had to use 2 hands to lift it.
comment by anacoana on Nov 26, 2008 9:00 AM ()
My water is really, really hard, too. I've been cursing it for years but am now drinking with renewed purpose!
comment by janetk on Nov 26, 2008 8:58 AM ()
That was a good show. I really like the Dr. Oz shows, and his books are also very good. Pretty funny though when it started raining, and they were soaking wet while doing their interviews.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Nov 26, 2008 8:51 AM ()
I like your 8-8-8 Plan. Happy Thanxgiving to you too, Randy.
comment by looserobes on Nov 26, 2008 8:28 AM ()
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
And WOW are you a healthy eater! Kudos!
I like the 8-8-8 rule... I spend my 8 hours sitting at work tho...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 26, 2008 8:07 AM ()

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