We all know gun sales in the U.S. have increased since Obama was elected. That's a sad commentary on Americans right there. But did you see where South Carolina is suspending sales tax on guns for several days to "encourage" greater sales? This is appalling in so many ways.
True, there are many reasons for owning a gun. But just because we have the constitutional right, it doesn't mean we have to buy one to be considered American.
Short of a bb gun, I've never owned one, and have only shot one once in my life (uncle's shotgun as a kid--'bout blew my shoulder off!). Until recently, I've never had the hankerin' to buy one.
But since the house break-in a month ago, I've been thinking about getting a small hand gun for protection. I keep a baseball bat near my bed, but I don't think that's all that effective of a deterrent. Another reason for having a gun is to kill those pesky piney squirrels I've got running rampant all over my property, especially in my garage. I wouldn't mind getting rid of a few rabbits, either.
But when it comes right down to it, I don't think I can make myself buy one. It goes against my grain. I really hate guns (and often the type of people that shoot them). They're loud and offensive, plus they scare the bejeebers out of me. The day some punk aims a gun at me, I'm gonna wish I had a better defense than a ball bat.