A I write this, I'm officially 70 years and one day old. I've crossed the threshold. Officially, I'M OLD! There's no getting around it. (Yes, Steve, I've joined you.)
However, the good news is, my father is even older! He's 95 today. Another 15 minutes and we would be sharing birth days. I just wouldn't wait back in '43.
And no, don't feel obligated to wish me a happy belated one.
I've already given myself a birthday present. Bought a new Toyota Tacoma snappy red truck two weeks ago. It's been 9 years with "old blue". Time to update. Mid-life crisis?
And "say it ain't so" that there's 10" of snow with 3' drifts across my driveway. NOOOOOOOOOO! How can mother nature play such a mean trick? My new truck is eager to get out and see the world--but until I shovel my way out, it stays put. Instead of digging in the dirt, I'm digging in the snow. Boo hiss.
Other than that, all is well "back home in Indiana". News of my farm kids will follow in about a month.
Be well, old friends, and take care.