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Whirlwind Weedend
Whirlwind Weedend
WOW! This long (Canada's Victoria Day) weekend was the busiest I've been in a long time. I think I only got to knit a few rows on my socks,each day. I must say, it was the shortest long weekend I've experienced in a long time.
Saturday DH and I went shopping. We spent the morning in the Dollar Giant and Walmart and the afternoon at the garden supply place picking out bedding plants for the garden. We forgot half of what we needed so I have to go back to Walmart today.
Sunday we were planning on visiting my mom in Nanaimo and DH tells we we have to leave the house early in order to make a stop at The Bay so he can pick up my "BIRTHDAY PRESENT"!!!! *Note to all you husbands out there: Never, I repeat, never lie to your wife that she has to wait for her birthday present because it's so expensive you can't afford it just now and are saving up for it when in actuality you just can't find the item you are looking for in the small town where you live and have to wait until you're in a larger city to buy it.* She will be on cloud nine with visions of a new car, a cruise and diamond encrusted jewelry dancing in her head. She just might be a tad let down and disappointed when you give her a vacuum cleaner. His wandectomy would probably have been scheduled for today but I forgave him immediately when I saw it was a Dyson. He knows I've been wanting one of these for a few years. What a sweetie! OK, getting back to Sunday, We had a lovely visit with my mom. She laid out quite a spread for lunch plus the home baked bread I brought with us. Then we went for a long walk along the waterfront and checked out a few of the shops along the way. Before we left she gave me her old spinning wheel(I gave her a new one for her birthday.). She had bought it, second hand, over thirty years ago. It's not in very good condition but I think she was sad to see it go. I was going to fix it, sell it and give her the money but she really doesn't need the money and if it means that much to her I want to keep it. Sometime in the future, when she's no longer with us, I will remember her sitting at her spinning wheel, doing what she loves to do.
Monday we visited with The M-I-L, in Parksville. We took her to the White Spot where she insisted on paying for lunch and then we drove her around Qualicum to see the sights. I had a nice nap in the back seat but I think she enjoyed the outing. She rarely leaves her house any more. When we left she gave DH a twenty for gas. I spent the evening doing a week's worth of laundry and helping DH make a start on cleaning out the garage.
Today I need to make DH's lunch before I hustle my buns over to Walmart, then Safeway for the groceries, home again to play with my new toy (The Dyson) some more and fit a walk on the track in there somewhere.
posted on May 20, 2008 11:42 AM ()
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